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  Using the Opaque and Transparent Options

  Most geometric shapes or figures are opaque; you cannot see
  objects that are covered by the shape or figure.

  The Opaque and Transparent menu items in the Options
  menu allow you to choose how your images appear.

  Opaque figures are the default, as indicated by the shaded
  option button next to the Opaque menu item.

  If you choose Transparent from the Options menu, the
  background images show through the foreground images.

  The Transparent and Opaque settings affect not only
  figures but selected images being moved, the Spray Can,
  the Paintbrush, and the Text tools.

  Additional topics:

  *   Using the Grid Option

  *   Using Patterns

  *   Saving a Picture

  *   Printing a Picture

  *   Exiting Paint

  *   Overview of Paint

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