Help on Notepad
Replacing a Single Text String
To replace a single text string:
1. Select the text you want to replace. (The first time you
want to make a substitution; for subsequent replacements
Notepad selects the desired target for you.)
2. Choose Replace Once... from the Search menu.
Notepad searches from the current cursor position and
highlights the first occurrence of the text.
3. Click on the Yes button to replace the text string. Click on
the No button if you decide not to replace the text string.
Notepad then searches for the next occurrence of the text.
Click on the Cancel button to stop the search procedure.
Additional topics:
* Replacing Text Within a Selected Area
* Selecting Text
* Moving the Cursor
* Moving the Cursor to a Specified Line
* Deleting Text
* Copying Text
* Editing Text
* Canceling and Reinstating Edits
* Searching for a Text String
* Searching for Text on the Screen
* Replacing a Text String with Another Text String
* Editing Text