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  Changing Border Bottom Shadow Color

  Window border top and bottom shadow colors have to be
  well-matched to present the three-dimensional look of
  DECwindows Motif.  DECwindows helps you to do this by
  automatically determining top and bottom shadow colors
  when you change the background colors.  This option is
  indicated by the shaded Automatic shadow check button.

  To select your own Bottom shadow colors:

  1.  Click on the Automatic shadow check button.

      This option will be disabled.

  2.  Click on the Bottom Shadow button.
      DECwindows displays the Color Mixing dialog box, which
      lets you select the Bottom Shadow color you want.  You
      should use the HLS model of the color mixing dialog box
      to choose a bottom shadow color that is darker and more
      saturated than the background color.

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