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  Using an Icon Box

  By default, icons are displayed as separate windows on the
  screen and can be placed anywhere.

  If you want to display your icons in one central place, you
  can store them in an icon box.  An icon box is a window that
  contains the icons for all the windows on the screen.  To
  create an icon box, use the Icon Options dialog box, which is
  available by choosing Icons...  from the Workspace Options

  In an icon box, if you double-click on any icon, by default,
  the window will become active and will be raised to top of
  the screen.  Using the keyboard, you can press Return on a
  highlighted icon to make the window active from an icon.
  If you Shift+double-click on any icon, it will minimize that
  window.  When a window is restored from an icon, the icon is

  If you do not use an icon box, when you restore a window the
  icon is not grayed.  Instead, it is removed from the screen.

  To customize the position and size of the icon box, move
  and resize the icon box and select Apply Options from the
  Workspace Options menu.

  You can also minimize the icon box.

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