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  Parts of a Window

  Most windows include the following components:

  Component             Description

  Window frame          Surrounds a window and usually consists of
                        resize borders, a title bar, a window menu
                        button, a minimize button, and a maximize

  Resize borders        Surround an application window and let you
                        resize the application's window.

  Title bar             Shows the name of the application and con-
                        tains window management buttons that you
                        can use to rearrange your screen display.
                        Most windows have a title bar.

  Window Title          Identifies the function of a window.  For a
                        main window, it usually contains the name of
                        the application.  For a dialog box, it may also
                        contain specific information about the use of
                        the window.
  Window menu button   Displays the window menu, which contains
                        menu items for working with windows.

  Minimize button        Lets you shrink a window to an icon on the

  Icon                  A small graphic representation of an object,
                        usually an application.

  Maximize button        Lets you increase the size of a window to its
                        maximum allowable size.

  Menu bar              Contains the names of menus you can choose
                        from to work with the application.

  Client or work area     Area in a window where you interact with the

  Matte                 An optional decorative border between the
                        window frame and the work area.

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