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  Specifying an Editor Command

  The Editor Command entry box lets you specify the
  command that will be used to invoke the editor you are
  adding to your list of available editors.

  For DECwindows and DECterm applications, the command

  must contain the string "%S" twice:  first where the input file
  specification should appear on the command line, and again
  where the output file specification should appear; for example,

  EDIT/TPU %S/OUT=%S. The input file specification should
  precede the output file specification.

  If the invocation method for the editor is Direct Invocation,

  the command line in the Editor Command entry box
  should contain the file name of the editor image, such as
  SYS$SYSTEM:DECWRITE, rather than a DCL command

  Additional topics:

  ~   Change Editor List Dialog Box

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