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  Folder Pop-Up Menu

  The items on the Folder pop-up menu let you open, update,
  or close a folder, open a folder in a new main window, and
  move or copy messages to a folder.

  Pop-up menu actions always affect the object on which MB3
  is positioned.  Pop-up menu actions do not affect other objects,
  even if they are selected.

  Menu items that are dim are not available until you perform
  some action, such as selecting an object or reading a message.
  Then the menu item becomes available.

  Additional topics:

  *   Opening the Current Folder

  *   Opening the Current Folder in a New Main

  *   Updating the Current Folder

  *   Moving Selected Messages to the Current Folder

  *   Moving a Message from the Read Window to This

  *   Closing the Current Folder

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