Help on Printing Files
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  Overview of Printing Files

  DECwindows lets you control the way files are printed.  The
  Print Queue and Print Options dialog boxes allow you to set
  options such as the number of copies to be printed, printer
  queues, and printer forms.

  Many DECwindows applications contain a Print...  menu item
  on a File menu.  Choose this menu item to display the Print
  Queue dialog box.  (Note that some applications display an
  intermediate dialog box.)  To display additional Print options,
  click on the Options...  button in the Print Queue dialog box.

  For more information about printing files, double click MB1
  on an item from the list of additional topics below.

  For information about using help, choose On Window from
  the Using Help menu above.

  Additional topics:

  *   DECBasics

  *   Setting Print Job Information

  *   Print Options

  *   Error Messages

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