Help on Printing Files
Use the Sides option menu to specify whether your image
will be printed on one or two sides of the paper. You can also
specify the way a paper medium is turned as an image is
printed from one side to the other.
To specify a Sides option, click MB1 on the Sides option menu.
A pull-down menu is displayed. Choose one of the following:
Option Description
Default The default setting determined by the
printer queue characteristics.
Simplex One Sided Prints on one side of the sheet of
Simplex Two Sided Prints on two sides of the sheet of
paper but uses a page layout as if
formatted for single-side printing.
The layout reflects such things as
placement of margins and page num-
Duplex One Sided Prints only on the first side of each
sheet but retains the page layout
intended for duplex printing.
The layout reflects such things as
placement of margins and page num-
Duplex Two Sided Prints on two sides of a sheet; the
second side is reached by flipping
the page about its left edge, as in the
binding of a book.
Tumble One Sided Prints only on the first side of each
sheet but retains the page layout
intended for tumble printing.
The layout reflects such things as
placement of margins and page num-
Tumble Two Sided Prints on two sides; the second side is
reached by flipping the page about its
top edge, as in some legal documents
For a description of each option, double click on an item from
the list of additional topics below.