Help on Printing Files
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  Some printers allow you to control page orientation.  That is,
  you can control how text or images are placed on the paper.
  To do this, use the Orientation options.

  DECwindows includes three page orientation options:  default,
  landscape, and portrait.

  To set the page orientation to the orientation that is defined in
  the print queue, click on the Default radio button.

  To set the page orientation to portrait printing mode, click on
  the Portrait radio button.

  To set the page orientation to landscape printing mode, click
  on the Landscape radio button.

  The following diagram shows Landscape and Portrait

       Landscape  Orientation:    Portrait  Orientation:

           +-------------+               +-----+
           |  ~~~~~~~~~~~  |             |  ~~~  |
           |  ~~~~~~~~~~~  |             |  ~~~  |
           |  ~~~~~~~~~~~  |             |  ~~~  |
           +-------------+               |  ~~~  |

  Additional topics:

  *   Number of Copies

  *   Print Format

  *   Printers

  *   Page Range

  *   Print After Entry Box

  *   Delete File When Printed Button

  *   OK Button

  *   Cancel Button

  *   Options...  Button

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