Help on DECsound
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  Qualifier         Description
  -filfilespec      Starts a DECsound session.  If the file exists,
                    the DECsound window displays the recording.

                    If the file does not exist, DECsound creates a
                    new recording.  If you do not specify a file type,
                    DECsound adds the default .AUD file type.

  -headphone        Plays the DECsound recording to the headphone
                    jack on your workstation.  DECsound ignores the
                    -headphone qualifier if you do not also specify the
                    -play qualifier.

  -icon             Creates a DECsound file that includes an icon.
                    This qualifier is useful when you make recordings
                    that you want to include iDECwrite  documents,
                    because the resulting data block in the document
                    will display an icon that indicates the presence
                    of a DECsound recording.  This option is only
                    available for DECwrite Version 2.1.
                    If you do not insert the icon, the DECsound data
                    block can be difficult to locate in a document.
                    However, if you do insert the icon, the icon is also
                    displayed when you print the document.

  -playfilespec     Plays the specified file without displaying the
                    DECsound window.

  -speaker          Plays the DECsound recording on your worksta-
                    tion's built-in speaker.  DECsound ignores the
                    -speaker qualifier if you do not also specify the
                    -play qualifier.

  -volume n         Specifies the playback volume, whern is an
                    integer between 0 and 100.  DECsound ignores the
                    -volume qualifier if you do not also specify the
                    -play qualifier.

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