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  DECsound Files

  DECsound files have a file type of .AUD by default.  When
  you specify a file name for a DECsound file, you do not
  need to enter the default .AUD file type.  DECsound adds the
  default file type automatically.

  DECsound can also read audio files created on Sun      ~
  workstations.  These files have a file type of .AU, so when
  you open these files, you must specify the .AU file type.

  DECsound creates files in the DDIF format.  DDIF (DIGITAL
  Document Interchange Format) is the standard document
  format used by CDA    ~, a component of Compaq's NAS      ~

  architecture that defines standards for compound documents
  and enables file interchange among all compliant applications.

  DECsound is supplied with a number of sample files of
  file types .AUD and .AU. These files are located in the

  DECW$EXAMPLES directory.

  Additional topics:

  *   Open...

  *   File Menu

  *   DECsound Menus

  *   Overview of DECsound

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