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  DECsound provides a QuickCopy function, which copies the
  selected part of a recording to the current position in the
  waveform.  To use the QuickCopy function, follow these steps:

  1.  In the current waveform, position the pointer where you
      want the recording to be copied to by pointing and clicking


  2.  In the other waveform, point to the part of the waveform
      you want to copy.

  3.  Press and hold MB2.

  4.  Drag across the part of the waveform you want to copy.
      The waveform is highlighted as you drag across it.

  5.  Release MB2.

      The waveform is copied to the new location in the current


      When you use the QuickCopy function, DECsound
      does not copy the selected part of the recording to the

  For more information about editing and     Edit  menu items,
  double click on an item in the list of additional topics.

  Additional topics:

  *   Waveforms

  *   Clipboard

  *   Selecting Part of a Recording

  *   Editing Concepts

  *   Edit Menu

  *   Overview of DECsound

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