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  Exiting Cardfiler

  To exit Cardfiler, choose Exit from the File menu in the
  cardfile window.

  If you did not save all changes to the current card file, a
  dialog box appears:

  -   To save the changes you made to the card file and exit

      Cardfiler, click on Yes.

  -   To exit Cardfiler without saving the changes you made to
      the card file, click on No.

  -   To cancel the exit operation, click on Cancel.

  Additional topics:

  *   Opening a New Card File

  *   Opening an Existing Card File

  *   Adding a Card to a Card File

  *   Displaying a Card

  *   Copying Items Quickly

  *   Finding Text

  *   Saving Changes

  *   Merging Card Files

  *   Overview of Cardfiler

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