Help on Cardfiler
Copying Items Quickly
You can copy text or images quickly from one place to
another in the same card by using the mouse.
To copy items in a card:
1. Move the pointer to the location where you want to begin
the selection. Press MB1 and drag the pointer across the
text. Release MB1.
Click MB1 anywhere inside the image. The image
reverses color to indicate that it is selected.
2. Move the pointer to the location in the card where you
want to insert the text or image. Click on MB2. The item
is copied.
Additional topics:
* Opening a New Card File
* Opening an Existing Card File
* Adding a Card to a Card File
* Displaying a Card
* Finding Text
* Saving Changes
* Merging Card Files
* Exiting Cardfiler
* Overview of Cardfiler