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  Marking Days and Weeks

  Choose the Mark menu item from the Edit menu to change
  the status of specific days or weeks from the default Non-
  Work to Work or from Work to Non-Work.

  You can also mark holidays, important personal events, or
  major project milestones, by choosing Special from the Mark
  submenu.  You can mark both Work and Non-Work days or
  weeks as Special.  To mark a day or week, click on the day or
  the week number to select it, then choose one of the following
  items from the Mark submenu:

  -   Default

  -   Work Day

  -   Non-Work Day

  -   Normal
  -   Special

  The style already in use for the selected day is dimmed in the

  Additional topics:

  *   The Default Option

  *   The Work Day Option

  *   The Non-Work Day Option

  *   The Normal Day Option

  *   The Special Day Option

  *   Options Menu

  *   Choosing the Days of the Week to Appear in Bold

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