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  Creating and Editing Brief or Simple Entries

  Before you try to create an entry, click on a timeslot
  and familiarize yourself with the various components of
  Calendar's entry area.  From left to right, they are:

  -   Timeslot, containing the time (highlighted after you click
      on it)

  -   Entry handle (a slot that contains icons)

  -   Resize bar (a thin vertical bar)

  -   Text area

  Note that the entry handle and the resize bar are not visible
  unless you click on the timeslot.

  To create a brief entry, click on one of the timeslots.  That
  timeslot becomes highlighted, and a blinking cursor appears
  in the text area next to the timeslot.

  To create a longer entry (for example, to show the time span
  of a meeting), click and drag downward on the timeslot.

  You can then type an entry into the text area next to the
  timeslot.  To complete your entry, click on the timeslot.  The
  highlighting disappears.

  To edit an existing entry, first open the entry by clicking in
  the text area.  Then use the usual editing functions to make
  the changes.  To close the entry again, click on the timeslot.

  Additional topics:

  *   Creating and Editing Long or Complex Entries

  *   Creating Overlapping Entries

  *   Reducing and Expanding Entries

  *   Deleting Entries and Day Notes

  *   Creating a Day Note

  *   Entry Editor or Day Note Editor

  *   Using Calendar

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