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  Entry Buttons

  The following push buttons are displayed at the bottom of the
  Entry Editor dialog box:

  OK                Saves the current text, alarm, and repeat interval
                    and returns control to Calendar.  The entry is

  Delete Entry        Deletes the whole entry, regardless of whether you
                    entered something.

  Reset             Returns the text, alarm, and repeat interval
                    settings to what they were when you opened the
                    Entry Editor, but leaves the editor displayed so that
                    you can enter further changes.

  Cancel            Returns control to Calendar without saving any

  Help              Displays help for the Entry Editor.

  Additional topics:

  *   Entry Editor or Day Note Editor

  *   Deleting Entries and Day Notes

  *   Setting Alarms for an Entry

  *   Setting a Repeat Interval for an Entry or Day Note

  *   Entry Icons

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