Help on DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Bookreader
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  Example 1-1:  Sample Bookreader Resource File

  !  Bookreader  Applications  Defaults  file:
  !  DXBookreader  (Tru64  UNIX)

  !  Resources  for  specific  window  types  are  specified  as  follows:
  !  BookreaderLibrary  -  the  library  window
  !  BookreaderNavigation  -  navigation/selection  windows  for  books  (i.e  table  of
  !                           contents,  index  window  for  a  book)
  !  BookreaderTopic  -  topic  windows  for  a  book
  !  Note  that  each  window  has  x  and  y  resources  specified  which  can  be  used  to
  !  control  absolute  placement  of  the  windows.
  !  In  addition,  the  navigation  and  topic  windows  also  have  x_offset  and  y_offset
  !  resources.   If  these  are  non-zero  then  they  will  override  the  x  and  y
  !  resources  and  be  used  to  place  these  windows  relative  to  previously  opened
  !  windows  as  follows:

  !  Navigation  windows  will  be  placed  relative  to  previously  opened
  !  navigation  windows  or  the  library  window  if  no  other  navigation
  !  window  is  open.
  !  Topic  windows  will  be  placed  relative  to  previous  opened  topic
  !  windows  for  the  same  book.   If  no  other  topic  windows  are  open
  !  for  the  book,  then  they  will  be  placed  relative  to  the  navigation
  !  window  for  the  book.   If  no  navigation  window  is  open  for  the
  !  book,  then  they  will  be  placed  relative  to  the  library  window.

  !  Geometry  resources  for  the  Navigation  window.
  !  Relative  placement  is  turned  on.
  BookreaderNavigation.x:               3
  BookreaderNavigation.y:               50
  BookreaderNavigation.mm_width:      101
  BookreaderNavigation.mm_height:     145
  BookreaderNavigation.x_offset:      35
  BookreaderNavigation.y_offset:      35

  !  Resource  to  specify  which  directory  to  automatically  open  in  the
  !  Navigation  window.  The  valid  values  are:
  !        none,  default,  index,  toc
  BookreaderNavigation.first_directory_to_open:   default
  !  Fonts  to  use  for  SVN  in  the  Navigation  window
  BookreaderNavigation*svnWorkArea*DXmfontListDefault:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  BookreaderNavigation*svnWorkArea*DXmfontListLevel0:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1

  BookreaderNavigation*svnWorkArea*DXmfontListLevel1:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  BookreaderNavigation*svnWorkArea*DXmfontListLevel2:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  BookreaderNavigation*svnWorkArea*DXmfontListLevel3:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  BookreaderNavigation*svnWorkArea*DXmfontListLevel4:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  !  Geometry  resources  for  the  Topic  window.
  !  Relative  placement  is  turned  on.
  BookreaderTopic.x:              408
  BookreaderTopic.y:              75
  BookreaderTopic.mm_width:     159
  BookreaderTopic.mm_height:    178
  BookreaderTopic.x_offset:     35
  BookreaderTopic.y_offset:     35

  !  These  resources  control  the  maximum  topic  width  and  height  for  formal
  !  or  popup  topics.  These  values  are  limited  by  the
  !  size  of  the  display.

  BookreaderTopic.max_default_topic_width:     765
  BookreaderTopic.max_default_topic_height     645
  !  These  resources  control  whether
  !  hot  spots  and  extensions  are  on  by  default  in  topic  windows.
  BookreaderTopic.show_hot_spots:              false

  BookreaderTopic.show_extensions:             true
  !  Accelerators  in  the  Topic  windows
  BookreaderTopic*prevTopicEntry.accelerator:              Ctrl<Key>P:
  BookreaderTopic*prevTopicEntry.acceleratorText:      Ctrl+P
  BookreaderTopic*nextTopicEntry.accelerator:              Ctrl<Key>N:
  BookreaderTopic*nextTopicEntry.acceleratorText:      Ctrl+N
  BookreaderTopic*gobackEntry.accelerator:                 Ctrl<Key>B:
  BookreaderTopic*gobackEntry.acceleratorText:             Ctrl+B
  !  Geometry  resoures  for  the  Library  window.
  !  Relative  placement  is  turned  on.
  BookreaderLibrary.x:              3
  BookreaderLibrary.y:              25

  BookreaderLibrary.mm_width:     130
  BookreaderLibrary.mm_height:    130
  !  Fonts  to  use  for  SVN  in  the  Library  window
  BookreaderLibrary*svnArea*DXmfontListDefault:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  BookreaderLibrary*svnArea*DXmfontListLevel0:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  BookreaderLibrary*svnArea*DXmfontListLevel1:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  BookreaderLibrary*svnArea*DXmfontListLevel2:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1

  BookreaderLibrary*svnArea*DXmfontListLevel3:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  BookreaderLibrary*svnArea*DXmfontListLevel4:  -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1
  !  Initial  state  of  the  Library  window.  The  valid  values  are:
  !  1  (normal)  and  3  (iconified)

  BookreaderLibrary*initialState:      1

  !  The  following  resource  specifies  which  if  any  shelf  to  open/expand  in  the
  !  Library  window  on  startup.  The  valid  values  are:
  !  none,  first,  all
  BookreaderLibrary.shelf_to_open_on_startup:      first

  !  Accelerators  in  the  Library  window
  BookreaderLibrary*exitEntry.accelerator:             Ctrl<Key>E:
  BookreaderLibrary*exitEntry.acceleratorText:     Ctrl+E
  !  The  following  resources  can  be  used  to  override  the  DECW*BOOK*
  !  logical  names  and  environment  variables  that  Bookreader  uses  to
  !  find  books  and  bookshelves.   The  following  lines  provide  examples
  !  of  their  usage,  but  are  commented  out  since  they  will  override
  !  the  logical  names  or  environment  variables.
  !  The  following  two  resource  definitions  are  the  same  as  the  normal
  !  defaults  for  Tru64  UNIX.   Note  that  the  extension  on  the  library  file
  !  is  not  specified  so  that  several  extensions  can  be  tried  (the
  !  regular  .decw_bookshelf,  extension  for  shelves  on  IS0-9660  CDs,
  !  etc.

  !BookreaderLibrary.defaultLibraryName:   library
  !BookreaderLibrary.searchList:              /usr/lib/dxbook
  !  The  search  list  can  be  a  list  of  directories  separated  by  whitespace.
  !BookreaderLibrary.searchList:              /usr/lib/dxbook  /usr/cdrom1  /usr/cdrom2
  !  The  defaultLibraryName  can  be  fully  specified.
  !BookreaderLibrary.defaultLibraryName:   /usr/lib/dxbook/custom_library.decw_bookshelf
  !  The  following  two  resource  definitions  are  the  same  as  the  normal
  !  defaults  for  VMS.   Note  that  the  searchList  is  specified  as  DECW$BOOK,
  !  which,  given  the  integration  of  logical  names  and  RMS  on  VMS,  can  itself
  !  be  a  search  list.
  !BookreaderLibrary.defaultLibraryName:   LIBRARY

  !BookreaderLibrary.searchList:              DECW$BOOK
  !  On  VMS,  DECW$BOOK  could  be  used  for  the  system-wide  search  list,  and  users
  !  could  easily  add  their  own  directories  to  the  search  list.  For  example,  the
  !  following  resource  definition  would  automatically  look  in  the  user's  login
  !  directory  and  DECW$BOOK.
  !BookreaderLibrary.searchList:              SYS$LOGIN   DECW$BOOK

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