Help on DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Bookreader
Searching for Information
You can search through Bookreader libraries, bookshelves,
books, and sections to locate a specific word or phrase. Each
window has a Search menu. The table called Ways to
Search for Information describes the various ways you
can search for information in the Bookreader windows.
Follow these steps to perform a search:
1. Decide what type of search you plan to perform, then
perform the corresponding action outlined in the table
calledWays to Search for Information .
The Search dialog box appears.
2. In the Search String field, type the word or phrase you
want to locate. It does not matter whether the characters
are uppercase or lowercase. Bookreader locates all strings
that match, regardless of case.
Also, Bookreader disregards blank spaces, hyphens, com-
mas, and periods when searching. For example, a search
for the term "character-cell" not only identifies sections
that contain the word "character-cell" but also those that
contain "character_cell".
3. Click on the Search button.
When you begin a search, the Search button changes to
Stop Search. The Stop Search button lets you end a search
in progress.
If Bookreader does not find any matches, it displays a mes-
sage to that effect.
If Bookreader locates any matches, it displays the Search
Results dialog box and lists the section names in the
Subject list box. To read a section, follow one of these proce-
* Double click on a section name in the Subject list box
to display the section in the Topic window but leave the
Search Results dialog box displayed.
* Click on a section name in the Subject list box, then
click on the OK button to display the section in the Topic
window and dismiss the dialog box.
In the Topic window, Bookreader highlights the word or
phrase it located. If there are multiple instances of the word
or phrase in the section, only the first one is highlighted.
When you begin a search, the Search button changes to Stop
Search. You can stop a search at any time by clicking on the
Stop Search button. The Search Results dialog box remains
displayed and any sections located up to that point are still
available for use.
Additional topics:
* Search Error Messages
* Selecting a Section to Read
* Opening a Book
* Navigating through a Book
* Printing a Section or Book
* Extracting a Section to a File
* Bookreader Help Topics