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  The Search Results Dialog Box

  Use the Search Results dialog box to go to a section or sec-
  tions whose title matches a string you entered in the Search
  dialog box.

  Bookreader lists the matching section names in the Subject
  list box.  To read a section, follow one of these procedures:

  *   Double click on a section name in the Subject list box
      to display the section in the Topic window but leave the
      Search Results dialog box displayed.

  *   Click on a section name in the Subject list box, then
      click on the OK button to display the section in the Topic
      window and dismiss the dialog box.

  In the Topic window, Bookreader highlights the word or
  phrase it located.  If there are multiple instances of the word
  or phrase in the section, only the first one is highlighted.

  Sometimes a Bookreader search generates       error mes-
  sages .  This can occur, for example, when Bookreader tries
  to search through a book on the ConOLD disc and the disc is
  not mounted.

  When Bookreader encounters errors during a search, it dis-
  plays all the error messages in the  Search Messages Box       at
  the conclusion of the search.

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