znew man page on Syllable

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ZNEW(1)								       ZNEW(1)

       znew -	recompress .Z files to .gz files

       znew [ -ftv9PK] [ name.Z ...  ]

       Znew recompresses files from .Z (compress) format to .gz (gzip) format.
       If you want to recompress a file already in  gzip  format,  rename  the
       file to force a .Z extension then apply znew.

       -f     Force  recompression  from  .Z  to .gz format even if a .gz file
	      already exists.

       -t     Tests the new files before deleting originals.

       -v     Verbose. Display the name and percentage reduction for each file

       -9     Use the slowest compression method (optimal compression).

       -P     Use pipes for the conversion to reduce disk space usage.

       -K     Keep a .Z file when it is smaller than the .gz file

       gzip(1), zmore(1), zdiff(1), zgrep(1), zforce(1), gzexe(1), compress(1)

       Znew does not maintain the time stamp with the -P option if cpmod(1) is
       not available and touch(1) does not support the -r option.

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