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XZDEC(1)			   XZ Utils			      XZDEC(1)

       xzdec, lzmadec - Small .xz and .lzma decompressors

       xzdec [option]...  [file]...
       lzmadec [option]...  [file]...

       xzdec is a liblzma-based decompression-only tool for .xz (and only .xz)
       files.  xzdec is intended to work as a drop-in replacement for xz(1) in
       the  most  common  situations where a script has been written to use xz
       --decompress --stdout (and possibly a few other commonly used  options)
       to  decompress  .xz  files.   lzmadec is identical to xzdec except that
       lzmadec supports .lzma files instead of .xz files.

       To reduce the size of the  executable,  xzdec  doesn't  support	multi‐
       threading  or  localization, and doesn't read options from XZ_OPT envi‐
       ronment	variable.   xzdec  doesn't  support  displaying	  intermediate
       progress	 information: sending SIGINFO to xzdec does nothing, but send‐
       ing SIGUSR1 terminates  the  process  instead  of  displaying  progress

       -d, --decompress, --uncompress
	      Ignored for xz(1) compatibility.	xzdec supports only decompres‐

       -k, --keep
	      Ignored for xz(1) compatibility.	xzdec never creates or removes
	      any files.

       -c, --stdout, --to-stdout
	      Ignored for xz(1) compatibility.	xzdec always writes the decom‐
	      pressed data to standard output.

       -M limit, --memory=limit
	      Set the memory usage limit.  If this option is specified	multi‐
	      ple times, the last one takes effect. The limit can be specified
	      in multiple ways:

	      ·	 The limit can be an absolute value in bytes. Using an integer
		 suffix like MiB can be useful. Example: --memory=80MiB

	      ·	 The  limit  can be specified as a percentage of physical RAM.
		 Example: --memory=70%

	      ·	 The limit can be reset back to its default  value  (currently
		 40 % of physical RAM) by setting it to 0.

	      ·	 The memory usage limiting can be effectively disabled by set‐
		 ting limit to max.  This isn't recommended. It's usually bet‐
		 ter to use, for example, --memory=90%.

	      The  current  limit can be seen near the bottom of the output of
	      the --help option.

       -q, --quiet
	      Specifying this once does nothing since xzdec never displays any
	      warnings or notices.  Specify this twice to suppress errors.

       -Q, --no-warn
	      Ignored for xz(1) compatibility.	xzdec never uses the exit sta‐
	      tus 2.

       -h, --help
	      Display a help message and exit successfully.

       -V, --version
	      Display the version number of xzdec and liblzma.

       0      All was good.

       1      An error occurred.

       xzdec doesn't have any warning messages like xz(1) has, thus  the  exit
       status 2 is not used by xzdec.

       xzdec  and  lzmadec  are not really that small. The size can be reduced
       further by dropping features from liblzma at  compile  time,  but  that
       shouldn't  usually  be done for executables distributed in typical non-
       embedded operating system distributions. If you need a truly small  .xz
       decompressor, consider using XZ Embedded.


Tukaani				  2009-06-04			      XZDEC(1)
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