winnwstr man page on Syllable

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curs_inwstr(3X)						       curs_inwstr(3X)

       inwstr,	innwstr,  winwstr,  winnwstr,  mvinwstr, mvinnwstr, mvwinwstr,
       mvwinnwstr - get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window

       #include <curses.h>

       int inwstr(wchar_t *str);
       int innwstr(wchar_t *str, int n);
       int winwstr(WINDOW *win, wchar_t *str);
       int winnwstr(WINDOW *win, wchar_t *str, int n);
       int mvinwstr(int y, int x, wchar_t *str);
       int mvinnwstr(int y, int x, wchar_t *str, int n);
       int mvwinwstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, wchar_t *str);
       int mvwinnwstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, wchar_t *str, int n);

       These routines return a string of wchar_t characters in wstr, extracted
       starting	  at   the  current  cursor  position  in  the	named  window.
       Attributes are stripped from the characters.  The four functions with n
       as  the	last  argument return a leading substring at most n bytes long
       (exclusive of the trailing NUL).	 Transfer stops at the end of the cur‐
       rent  line, or when n bytes have been stored at the location referenced
       by wstr.

       If the size n is not large enough to store  a  complete	character,  an
       error is generated.

       Note that all routines except winnwstr may be macros.

       All  routines  return ERR upon failure. Upon successful completion, the
       *inwstr routines return OK, and the *innwstr routines return the number
       of characters read into the string.

       curses(3X), curs_instr(3X), curs_in_wchstr(3X)

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