tdump man page on BSDi

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TDUMP(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		      TDUMP(8)

     tdump - Dump kernel trace buffer

     tdump [-M core] [-N system] [-v] [-n]

     The tdump utility extracts the entries from the in kernel wrap around
     trace buffers, merge sorts the entries by time, and formats a display
     based on the data.

     The trace entries are displayed newest first, oldest last.

     The fields in each trace entry are:

     C		 The cpu number making the trace entry (a hex digit from 0
		 through f).

     Idx	 The index (entry number) in the respective CPU's trace buffer
		 (in hex).

     Delta-T	 Number of CPU clocks between this entry (older) and the entry
		 above it (newer). The time span of a clock cycle depends on
		 the speed of the CPU, for Intel Pentium systems one can use
		 the rated internal clock speed (a Pentium-233/MMX would per-
		 form 1 clock per 1/233000000 seconds (~4.29 nS)).

     Trace data	 The trace data takes up the remainder of the line, this may
		 be almost any output that can be generated via a printf
		 statement with up to 5 arguments.

     In verbose mode the full 64 bit time stamp and the time from the start of
     the trace are also printed; in addition the 5 possible arguments (rele-
     vant or not) are printed in hex as well as decoded in the normal printf()

     When the delta-T is a large negative number (0xffff....) this usually in-
     dicates that the trace buffer wrapped around while the trace dump was be-
     ing taken (this can happen when running tdump from a running system or
     via an ICE probe).

     The options are:

     -M core	  Specifies physical memory image; this could be a core dump
		  or /dev/mem (to access live system memory). Default:

     -M system	  Specifies location of kernel executable used to extract sym-
		  bol tables. This kernel must be the kernel that corresponds
		  to the physical memory image being debugged. Default: /bsd

     -v		  Verbose (but fairly cluttered) display.

     -n		  Do not cache strings locally (read from image each time).
		  Default is to cache strings locally.

     Normal output:

     bash# tdump
     C Idx Delta-T  Trace
     = === ======== =====
     0 35d newest   syscall p=0xf07ee200 #0x3
     0 35c	 ef syscall: re-entering kernel
     0 35b	13c syscall: run user p=0xf07ee200
     0 35a	 8c syscall p=0xf07ee200 err=0 ret=f016800c
     0 359	 e6 syscall p=0xf07ee200 #0xc7
     0 358	17f syscall: re-entering kernel
     0 357	c78 syscall: run user p=0xf07ee200
     0 356	 c3 syscall p=0xf07ee200 err=0 ret=4
     0 355	9c3 syscall p=0xf07ee200 #0x3
     0 354	 ef syscall: re-entering kernel
     0 353	112 syscall: run user p=0xf07ee200
     0 352	 83 syscall p=0xf07ee200 err=0 ret=f019abe8

     Verbose output:

     bash# tdump -v
     C Idx Time Stamp	    Delta-T  T from start
     = === ================ ======== ================
     0 399 000027d9c0cdffdf newest
     syscall p=0xf07ee200 #0x3
	     f07ee200 00000003 7fffa7a0 7fffefe0 f012bcbb
     0 398 000027d9c0cdfef0	  ef 000000ef
	     syscall: re-entering kernel
	     f014fc75 00000183 7fffa7a0 7fffa7a0 a0000200
     0 397 000027d9c0cdfdd6	 11a 00000209
	     syscall: run user p=0xf07ee200
	     f07ee200 00000183 7fffefe0 7fffa7a0 08060aa3
     0 396 000027d9c0cdfd4e	  88 00000291
	     syscall p=0xf07ee200 err=0 ret=f016800c
	     f07ee200 00000000 f016800c 7fffefe0 08060a90
     0 395 000027d9c0cdfc99	  b5 00000346
	     syscall p=0xf07ee200 #0xc7
	     f07ee200 000000c7 7fffa7a0 7fffefe0 a00c5ca6

     /bsd	Default kernel namelist.
     /dev/kmem	Default memory file.


 BSD/OS			       December 8, 1997				     2

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