SXPM(1)SXPM(1)NAMEsxpm - Show an XPM (X PixMap) file and/or convert XPM 1 or
2 files to XPM 3.
SYNOPSISsxpm [-d displayname] [-g geometry] [-hints] [-icon
filename] [-plaid | filename | -] [-o filename | -o -]
[-pcmap] [-closecolors] [-nod] [-nom] [-mono | -grey4 |
-grey | -color] [-sc symbol color] [-sp symbol pixel] [-cp
color pixel] [-rgb filename] [-v]
The sxpm program can be used to view any XPM (version 1,
2, or 3) file and/or to convert a file from XPM1 or XPM2
to XPM version 3. If sxpm is run with any dummy option
specified, the usage is displayed. If no geometry is spec-
ified, the show window will have the size of the read
pixmap. Pressing the key Q in the window will quit the
OPTIONS-d display
Specifies the display to connect to.
-g geom Window geometry (default is pixmap's size).
-hints Set ResizeInc for window.
-icon filename
Set icon to pixmap created from the file filename.
-plaid Show the plaid pixmap which is stored as data.
Read from the file filename and from standard
input if filename is '-'. If no input is speci-
fied sxpm reads from standard input.
-o filename
Write to the file filename (overwrite if it
already exists) and to standard output if filename
is '-'.
-mono Use the colors specified for a monochrome visual.
-grey4 Use the colors specified for a 4 color greyscale
-grey Use the colors specified for a greyscale visual.
-color Use the colors specified for a color visual.
-pcmap Use a private colormap.
Try to use "close colors" before reverting to
other visuals.
-nod Do not display the pixmap in a window. (Useful
when using as converter)
-nom Do not use the clipmask if there is any.
-sc symbol colorname
Override default color to symbol to colorname.
-sp symbol pixelvalue
Override default color to symbol to pixelvalue.
-cp colorname pixelvalue
Override default color to colorname to pixelvalue.
-rgb filename
Search color names in the file filename and write
them out instead of the rgb values.
-v Verbose - to print out extensions (stderr).
Some window managers may not accept a pixmap which is not
a bitmap as icon because this does not respect ICCCM, many
of the well known ones will accept it though.
Arnaud Le Hors (
Bull Research France
Copyright (C) 1989-95 by Groupe Bull.