stuirda man page on NetBSD

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STUIRDA(4)		 BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual		    STUIRDA(4)

     stuirda — Sigmaltel 4116/4220 USB-IrDA bridge support

     stuirda*	at uhub?
     irframe* at uirda?

     The stuirda driver provides support for SigmaTels USB-IrDA bridges that
     nearly follow the bridge specification:

	   SigmaTel ST4116
	   SigmaTel ST4210
	   SigmaTel ST4220

     Access to the IrDA device is through the irframe(4) driver.  Before
     accessing it, a firmware patch must be downloaded.	 At the time of writ‐
     ing this, it can be found at:

     Unpack the archive with

     tar -C /libdata/firmware/stuirda/ -xzf

     irframe(4), usb(4)

     The stuirda driver appeared in NetBSD 5.0.

     stuirda needs the firmware for configuration, so it can't be loaded at
     kernel startup time.  As a workaround, you can plug in the USB-IrDA-
     bridge after booting.

BSD			       October 13, 2008				   BSD
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