register man page on BSDi

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REGISTER(1)					      REGISTER(1)

       register - register with Kerberos


       The  register  command is used to register a new user with
       Kerberos.  The Kerberos server  keeps  record  of  certain
       trusted hosts from which it will accept new registrations.
       If the host on which register is run is	trusted	 by  Ker-
       beros,  the  user  is  asked for his current password, and
       then a new password to be used with Kerberos.  A user  may
       only register with Kerberos one time.

       /etc/kerberosIV/.update.keyxx.xx.xx.xx	  shared  DES key
       with server

       registerd(8), kerberos(1)

       "Principal not unique" if the user already exists  in  the
       Kerberos database.
       "Permission  Denied,"  if  the  host  on which register is
       being run is untrusted.

			   June 1, 1993				1


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