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AUDIO(4)		    BSD Programmer's Manual		      AUDIO(4)

     audio, gus, mpu, mss, opl, pas, sb, snd, uart - generic audio interface

     # Sound/midi/fm drivers - all require pseudo-device snd
     # Soundblaster Original/Pro/16
     sb0       at isa? port 0x220 irq 5 drq 1
     sbxvi0    at isa? drq 5
     sbmidi0   at isa? port 0x330
     opl0      at isa? port 0x388
     # Pro Audio Spectrum
     pas0      at isa? port 0x388 irq 10 drq 6
     # Gravis UltraSound
     gus0      at isa? port 0x220 irq 11 drq 1
     # Gus16 (requires gus0)
     gusxvi0   at isa? port 0x530 irq 7 drq 3
     # Gus MAX (requires gus0)
     gusxvi0   at isa? port 0x32c
     # MS Sound System
     mss0      at isa? port 0x530 irq 10 drq 1
     # Generic MPU-401 midi interface
     mpu0      at isa? port 0x330 irq 5
     # 6850 uart midi interface
     uart0     at isa? port 0x330 irq 5
     pseudo-device  snd		   # sound

     These drivers provide interfaces for various kinds of PC audio cards.
     Some of these drivers are unsupported.  Some of them are known to have
     problems.	See the BSD/OS release notes for details.

     Audio services are provided through a generic audio layer that abstracts
     various device specific details into a single API.

     This API is the same one used by the Linux kernel and 4-front technolo-
     gies. An excellent overview of the API can be found at http://www.4front- (note that the interface described in the
     above link is slightly different (newer) than the API included in

     vplay(1),	vrec(1),  mxv(1)

BSDI BSD/OS		       December 24, 1996			     1

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