mbrune man page on BSDi

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MBRUNE(3)		    BSD Programmer's Manual		     MBRUNE(3)

     mbrune, mbrrune, mbmb - multibyte rune support for C

     #include <rune.h>

     char *
     mbrune(const char *string, rune_t rune);

     char *
     mbrrune(const char *string, rune_t rune);

     char *
     mbmb(const char *string, char *pattern);

     These routines provide the corresponding functionality of strchr(),
     strrchr() and strstr() for multibyte strings.

     The mbrune() function locates the first occurrence of rune() in the
     string pointed to by string. The terminating NULL character is considered
     part of the string.  If rune is `\0', mbrune() locates the terminating

     The mbrrune() function locates the last occurrence of rune in the string
     string. If rune is `\0', mbrune() locates the terminating `\0'.

     The mbmb() function locates the first occurrence of the null-terminated
     string pattern in the null-terminated string string. If pattern is the
     empty string, mbmb() returns string; if pattern occurs nowhere in string,
     mbmb() returns NULL; otherwise mbmb() returns a pointer to the first
     character of the first occurrence of pattern.

     The function mbrune() returns a pointer to the located character, or NULL
     if the character does not appear in the string.

     The mbrrune() function returns a pointer to the character, or NULL if the
     character does not appear in the string.

     The mbmb() function returns a pointer to the pattern, or NULL if the
     pattern does not appear in the string.

     euc(4),  mbrune(3),  rune(3),  setlocale(3),  utf8(4)

     The mbrune(), mbrrune(), and mbmb() functions first appeared in Plan 9
     from Bell Labs as utfrune(), utfrrune(), and utfutf().

BSDI BSD/OS			 June 4, 1993				     1

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