lpoptions man page on Syllable

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lpoptions(1)			  Apple Inc.			  lpoptions(1)

       lpoptions - display or set printer options and defaults

       lpoptions  [  -E	 ]  [  -U  username ] [ -h server[:port] ] -d destina‐
       tion[/instance] [ -o option[=value] ] ... [ -o option[=value] ]
       lpoptions [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -h server[:port]  ]  [  -p  destina‐
       tion[/instance] ] -l
       lpoptions  [  -E	 ]  [  -U  username  ]	[  -h  server[:port]  ]	 [  -o
       option[=value] ] ... [ -o option[=value] ] [ -p	destination[/instance]
       ] -r option
       lpoptions  [  -E	 ]  [  -U  username ] [ -h server[:port] ] -x destina‐

       lpoptions displays or sets printer  options  and	 defaults.   lpoptions
       shows  the  default  printer  options when run with no arguments. Other
       options include:

	    Enables encryption when communicating with the CUPS server.

       -U username
	    Uses an alternate username.

       -d destination[/instance]
	    Sets the default printer to destination. If instance  is  supplied
	    then  that	particular instance is used. This option overrides the
	    system default printer for the current user.

       -h server[:port]
	    Uses an alternate server.

	    Lists the printer specific options and their current settings.

       -o option[=value]
	    Specifies a new option for the named destination.

       -p destination[/instance]
	    Sets the destination and instance, if specified, for  any  options
	    that  follow. If the named instance does not exist then it is cre‐

       -r option
	    Removes the specified option for the named destination.

       -x destination[/instance]
	    Removes the options for the named  destination  and	 instance,  if
	    specified.	If  the	 named	instance does not exist then this does

       If no options are specified using  the  -o  option,  then  the  current
       options for the named printer are reported on the standard output.

       Options set with the lpoptions command are used by the lp(1) and lpr(1)
       commands when submitting jobs.

       When run by the root user, lpoptions gets and sets default options  and
       instances for all users in the /system/config/cups/lpoptions file.

       The lpoptions command is unique to CUPS.

       ~/.cups/lpoptions  -  user  defaults  and instances created by non-root
       /system/config/cups/lpoptions - system-wide defaults and instances cre‐
       ated by the root user.

       cancel(1), lp(1), lpr(1),

       Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.

20 March 2006		  Common UNIX Printing System		  lpoptions(1)
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