klist man page on Solaris

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klist(1)			 User Commands			      klist(1)

       klist - list currently held Kerberos tickets

       /usr/bin/klist [-e]
	   [ [-c] [-f] [-s] [-a [-n]] [cache_name]]
	   [-k [-t] [-K] [keytab_file]]

       The  klist  utility prints the name of the credentials cache, the iden‐
       tity of the principal that the tickets are for (as listed in the ticket
       file),  and  the principal names of all Kerberos tickets currently held
       by the user, along with the issue and expiration time for each  authen‐
       ticator.	 Principal  names  are listed in the form name/instance@realm,
       with the '/' omitted if the instance is not included, and the '@' omit‐
       ted if the realm is  not included.

       If  cache_file or keytab_name is not specified, klist displays the cre‐
       dentials in the default credentials cache or keytab files as  appropri‐
       ate.  By	 default,  your	 ticket is stored in the file /tmp/krb5cc_uid,
       where uid is the current user-ID of the user.

       The following options are supported:

       -a		   Displays list of addresses in credentials. Uses the
			   configured nameservice to translate numeric network
			   addresses to the associated hostname if possible.

       -c [cache_name]	   Lists tickets held in a credentials cache. This  is
			   the default if neither -c nor -k is specified.

       -e		   Displays  the  encryption  types of the session key
			   and the ticket for each credential in  the  creden‐
			   tial cache, or each key in the keytab file.

       -f		   Shows  the  flags present in the credentials, using
			   the following abbreviations:

			   a	Anonymous

			   A	Pre-authenticated

			   d	Post-dated

			   D	Post-dateable

			   f	Forwarded

			   F	Forwardable

			   H	Hardware authenticated

			   i	Invalid

			   I	Initial

			   O	Okay as delegate

			   p	Proxy

			   P	Proxiable

			   R	Renewable

			   T	Transit policy checked

       -k [keytab_file]	   List keys held in a keytab file.

       -K		   Displays the value of the encryption	 key  in  each
			   keytab entry in the keytab file.

       -n		   Shows  numeric  IP  addresses  instead  of reverse-
			   resolving addresses. Only valid with -a option.

       -s		   Causes klist to run silently (produce  no  output),
			   but	to  still  set	the  exit  status according to
			   whether it finds the credentials  cache.  The  exit
			   status is 0 if klist finds a credentials cache, and
			   `1if it does not, or if  the	 local-realm  TGT  has

       -t		   Displays  the time entry timestamps for each keytab
			   entry in the keytab file.

       klist uses the following environment variable:

       KRB5CCNAME    Location  of  the	 credentials   (ticket)	  cache.   See
		     krb5envvar(5) for syntax and details.

       /tmp/krb5cc_uid		Default	 credentials cache (uid is the decimal
				UID of the user).

       /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab	Default location for the local	host's	keytab

       /etc/krb5/krb5.conf	Default location for the local host's configu‐
				ration file. See krb5.conf(4).

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       │      ATTRIBUTE TYPE	     │	    ATTRIBUTE VALUE	   │
       │Availability		     │SUNWkrbu			   │
       │Interface Stability	     │See below.		   │

       The command arguments are Evolving. The command output is Unstable.

       kdestroy(1), kinit(1), krb5.conf(4), attributes(5), krb5envvar(5), ker‐

       When  reading  a file as a service key file, very little error checking
       is performed.

SunOS 5.10			  16 Nov 2006			      klist(1)

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