klist man page on BSDi

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KLIST(1)						 KLIST(1)

       klist - list currently held Kerberos tickets

       klist [ -s | -t ] [ -file name ] [ -srvtab ]

       klist prints the name of the tickets file and the identity
       of the principal the tickets are for  (as  listed  in  the
       tickets	file),	and lists the principal names of all Ker-
       beros tickets currently held by the user, along	with  the
       issue  and  expire time for each authenticator.	Principal
       names are listed in the form name.instance@realm, with the
       '.'  omitted  if the instance is null, and the '@' omitted
       if the realm is null.

       If given the -s option, klist does not print the issue and
       expire  times,  the name of the tickets file, or the iden-
       tity of the principal.

       If given the -t option, klist checks for the existence  of
       a  non-expired  ticket-granting-ticket in the ticket file.
       If one is present, it exits with status 0, else	it  exits
       with status 1.  No output is generated when this option is

       If given the -file option, the following argument is  used
       as  the ticket file.  Otherwise, if the KRBTKFILE environ-
       ment variable is set, it is  used.   If	this  environment
       variable is not set, the file /tmp/tkt[uid] is used, where
       uid is the current user-id of the user.

       If given the -srvtab option, the file is treated as a ser-
       vice key file, and the names of the keys contained therein
       are printed.  If no file is specified with a -file option,
       the default is /etc/kerberosIV/srvtab.

			   to get the name of the local realm

       /tmp/tkt[uid]	   as  the  default ticket file ([uid] is
			   the decimal UID of the user).

			   as the default service key file

       kerberos(1), kinit(1), kdestroy(1)

       When reading a file as a service	 key  file,  very  little
       sanity or error checking is performed.

MIT Project Athena     Kerberos Version 4.0			1


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