jbgtopbm man page on BSDOS

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JBGTOPBM(1)					      JBGTOPBM(1)

       jbgtopbm - JBIG to portable bitmap file converter

       jbgtopbm [ options ] [ input-file | -  [ output-file ]]

       Reads in a JBIG bi-level image entity (BIE) from a file or
       standard input, decompresses it	and  outputs  a	 portable
       bitmap (PBM) file.

       JBIG  is a highly effective lossless compression algorithm
       for bi-level images (one bit per pixel) which is	 particu-
       larly suitable for scanned document pages.

       A  JBIG encoded image can be stored in several resolutions
       in one or several BIEs.	All resolution layers except  the
       lowest  one  are	 stored	 efficently as differences to the
       next lower resolution layer.  Options -x	 and  -y  can  be
       used to stop the decompression at a specified maximal out-
       put image size. The input file can  consist  several  con-
       catenated  BIEs which contain different increasing resolu-
       tion layers of the same image.

       If more than one bit per pixel is stored in the JBIG file,
       then  only the first plane will be extracted and a warning
       message will be printed.

       -	     A single hyphen instead  of  an  input  file
		     name  will	 cause	jbgtopbm to read the data
		     from standard input instead from a file.

       -x number     Decode only up  to	 the  largest  resolution
		     layer  which  is  still not more than number
		     pixels wide. If  no  such	resolution  layer
		     exists, then use the smallest one available.

       -y number     Decode only up  to	 the  largest  resolution
		     layer  which  is  still not more than number
		     pixels high. If  no  such	resolution  layer
		     exists, then use the smallest one available.
		     Options -x and -y can also be used	 together
		     in	 which case the largest layer that satis-
		     fies both limits is selected.

       This program implements the JBIG image coding algorithm as
       specified in ISO/IEC 11544:1993 and ITU-T T.82(1993).

       The  jbgtopbm  program  is  part	 of the JBIG-KIT package,
       which has beed developed by Markus Kuhn.	 The most  recent
       version	of  this  portable  JBIG library and tools set is

			    1996-01-09				1

JBGTOPBM(1)					      JBGTOPBM(1)

       freely available on the Internet from anonymous ftp server
       ftp.informatik.uni-erlangen.de	      in	directory
       pub/doc/ISO/JBIG/.  Bug	reports	  should   be	sent   to

       pbm(5), pbmtojbg(1)

			    1996-01-09				2

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