icpsp man page on NetBSD

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ICP(4)			 BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual			ICP(4)

     icp — ICP-Vortex and Intel Storage RAID driver

     icp* at pci? dev ? function ?
     ld* at icp? unit ?
     icpsp* at icp? unit ?
     scsibus* at icpsp?

     The icp driver provides support for the newer (post 1997) ICP-Vortex GDT
     and Intel Storage RAID controllers.

     The ld driver provides access to logical devices (disk arrays) presented
     by the controller.	 The icpsp driver provides direct access to other SCSI
     devices attached to the controller, such as tape or CD-ROM drives.

     pci_mem_find: expected mem type 00000000, found 00000002
		   This message may be displayed during autoconfiguration if
		   the controller's memory is mapped below 1MB in physical
		   address space.  This can be disabled either through chang‐
		   ing a setting in the controller's BIOS utility, or changing
		   the position of a jumper on the board.  See your con‐
		   troller's documentation for more information.

     intro(4), ld(4), scsi(4)

     The icp driver first appeared in NetBSD 1.6, and was based on the FreeBSD
     and OpenBSD drivers of the same name.

     ISA & EISA front-ends and a management interface are needed.

     Older PCI boards are not yet supported.

BSD				April 20, 2002				   BSD
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