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HFAXD(8C)						HFAXD(8C)

       hfaxd - HylaFAX client-server protocol server

       /usr/contrib/lib/hylafax/hfaxd [ -d ] [ -q dir ] [ -o port
       ] [ -O ] [ -i port ] [ -I ] [ -s port ] [ -S ]

       hfaxd is the HylaFAX program that  implements  the  server
       portion of:

       o  the (new) client-server protocol,

       o  the  old  client-server protocol previously implemented
	  by the faxd.recv program, and

       o  the Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP) used to  sub-
	  mit  message pager jobs to the IXO/TAP and UCP support.

       Additional client-server protocols are planned  and  hfaxd
       is  intended  to be the ``carrier'' through which they are

       hfaxd is typically used in one of two ways;  either  as	a
       standalone  process that is started at system boot time to
       listen for client connections on one or more ports, or  as
       a  subservient  process to the inetd(8C) program.  The two
       forms of use may however be combined so long as	the  same
       service	is  not provided both by the standalone hfaxd and
       through inetd.

       If hfaxd is started with the -i	option	it  will  service
       clients	using  the  (new) HylaFAX client-server protocol.
       This protocol is strongly related  to  the  Internet  File
       Transfer	 Protocol  (FTP);  so  much  so	 in fact that FTP
       client programs that include  support  for  ``quoted  com-
       mands''	may  be	 used to communicate with hfaxd using the
       new protocol.  (It should also be  possible  to	use  FTP-
       aware  World Wide Web browsers such as Mosaic and Netscape
       Navigator to access HylaFAX servers through the new proto-
       col;  but  the  current format for information returned in
       directory listings confuses them.)

       The hfaxd server currently recognizes the following proto-
       col  requests;  case is not distinguished.  Entries marked
       with a 1 can be used only when the client has  established
       administrative privileges with ADMIN.

       Request	       Description
       ABOR	       abort previous command
       ACCT	       specify account (ignored)
       ADMIN	       specify password for administrative privileges
       ALLO	       allocate storage (vacuously)

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HFAXD(8C)						HFAXD(8C)

       ANSWER1	       request that call be answered
       APPE	       append to a file
       CDUP	       change to parent of current working directory
       CHMOD	       change mode of a file
       CHOWN1	       change owner of a file
       CWD	       change working directory
       DELE	       delete a file
       DISABLE1	       disable outbound use of modem
       ENABLE1	       enable outbound use of modem
       HELP	       give help information
       FILEFMT	       specify/query format for returning file status
       FORM	       specify data transfer format
       IDLE	       set idle-timer (in seconds)
       JDELE	       delete done or suspended job
       JINTR	       interrupt job
       JKILL	       kill job
       JNEW	       create new job
       JOB	       set/query current job
       JOBFMT	       specify/query format for returning job status
       JPARM	       specify/query job state parameter
       JREST	       reset current job state
       JSUBM	       submit job to scheduler
       JSUSP	       suspend job from scheduling
       JWAIT	       wait for job to complete
       JGDELE	       delete group of jobs
       JGKILL	       kill group of jobs
       JGINTR	       interrupt group of jobs
       JGNEW	       place current job in a new job group
       JGPARM	       set state parameter in a group of jobs
       JGREST	       reset current state for a group of jobs
       JGRP	       set/query current job group
       JGSUBM	       submit group of jobs to scheduler
       JGSUSP	       suspend group of jobs from scheduling
       JGWAIT	       wait for group of jobs to complete
       LIST	       list files in a directory
       MDTM	       show last modification time of file
       MODE	       specify data transfer mode
       MDMFMT	       specify/query format for returning modem status
       NLST	       give name list of files in directory
       NOOP	       do nothing
       PASS	       specify password
       PASV	       prepare for server-to-server transfer
       PORT	       specify data connection port
       PWD	       print the current working directory
       QUIT	       terminate session
       RCVFMT	       specify/query format for returing received facsimile status
       REIN	       reinitiate server state
       REST	       restart incomplete transfer
       RETP	       retrieve the next page in a file
       RETR	       retrieve a file
       SHUT	       schedule server shutdown
       SITE	       non-standard commands (see next section)
       SIZE	       return size of file
       STAT	       return status of server or file

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       STOR	       store a file
       STOT	       store a temporary file with a unique name
       STOU	       store a file with a unique name
       STRU	       specify data transfer structure
       SYST	       show operating system type of server system
       TYPE	       specify data transfer type
       TZONE	       specify timezone handling for dates and times
       USER	       specify user name
       VRFY	       verify dialstring handling and/or least-cost routing

       The  following  non-standard  or experimental commands are
       supported through the SITE request.

       Request		Description
       ADDMODEM1	add/configure new modem for use
       ADDUSER1		add client access control entry
       CONFIG1		send configuration parameter setting to server
       DELMODEM1	deconfigure/remove modem
       DELUSER1		remove client access control entry
       TRIGGER		register realtime event trigger
       HELP		give help information, e.g., SITE HELP

       In addition FTP requests that are  specified  in	 Internet
       RFC 959 but not listed here are recognized, but not imple-

       The hfaxd server will abort an active data  transfer  only
       when  the  ABOR command is preceded by a Telnet "Interrupt
       Process" (IP) signal and a Telnet "Synch"  signal  in  the
       command	Telnet	stream, as described in Internet RFC 959.
       If a STAT command is received during a data transfer, pre-
       ceded  by  a  Telnet IP and Synch, transfer status will be

       If hfaxd is started with the -o	option	it  will  service
       clients	using the old HylaFAX client-server protocol that
       was used in distributions prior to the 4.0 release.   Note
       however	that  this  support is only available if hfaxd is
       compiled with the support enabled.

       Emulation of the old protocol is important for  supporting
       non-UNIX	 clients  such	as the WinFlex client for Windows
       systems and the MacFlex client for Macintosh systems.   It
       is  strongly  recommended  however that unless you need to
       support these old-style clients that you not  enable  sup-
       port  for  the old protocol because of the inherent misde-
       sign of this protocol.

       If hfaxd is started with the -s	option	it  will  service
       clients	using the Simple Network Pager Protocol (SNPP) as
       specified in RFC 1861 (which obsoletes RFC 1645).

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HFAXD(8C)						HFAXD(8C)

       The hfaxd server currently recognizes  the  SNPP	 protocol
       requests	 listed below.	Requests marked with a 1 are non-
       standard extensions to RFC 1861 that may be added to  SNPP
       at  some	 future time.  Case is not distinguished and only
       the first four characters of requests are used in  identi-
       fying commands.

       Request	    Description
       2WAY	    preface a 2-way transaction
       ABOR1	    abort previous command
       ACKR	    set read acknowledgement handling for subsequent requests
       ALER	    set the alter-level for subsequent requests
       CALL	    set the caller-ID for subsequent requests
       COVE	    set the alternate coverage area for subsequent requests
       DATA	    specify a multi-line message
       EXPT	    set the expiration time for subsequent requests
       HELP	    give help information
       HOLD	    set the time at which subsequent requests are to be delivered
       KTAG	    kill a previously submitted request
       LEVE	    set the service level for subsequent requests
       LOGI	    login to server
       MCRE	    specify multiple response text and code
       MESS	    specify a single-line message
       MSTA	    return the status of a previously submitted request
       NOQU	    diable message queueing
       PAGE	    specify the destination pager
       PING	    locate/validate a pager
       QUIT	    terminate session
       RESE	    reset server state
       RTYP	    set the reply type code for subsequent requests
       SEND	    send message(s)
       SITE1	    site-specific commands (see next section)
       STAT1	    return server status
       SUBJ	    set the message text for subsequent requests

       The  hfaxd server will abort an active SEND operation when
       an ABOR command is preceded by a	 Telnet	 "Interrupt  Pro-
       cess"  (IP) signal and a Telnet "Synch" signal in the com-
       mand Telnet stream.

       The following non-standard or  experimental  commands  are
       also supported through the SITE request.

       Request	      Description
       FROMUSER	      specify the sender's identity
       IDLE	      set idle-timer (in seconds)
       JPARM	      query job parameter status
       JQUEUE	      control whether or not job is queued
       LASTTIME	      set the time to terminate an unfinished job
       MAILADDR	      set the e-mail address to use for notification
       MAXDIALS	      set the maximum number of times to dial the phone
       MAXTRIES	      set the maximum number of times to try sending the page
       MODEM	      set the modem or class of modems to use
       NOTIFY	      set the e-mail notification

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HFAXD(8C)						HFAXD(8C)

       RETRYTIME      set the time to delay between job retries
       SCHEDPRI	      set the scheduling priority for the job
       HELP	      give help information, e.g., SITE HELP

       Note  that  hfaxd  requires  that SNPP clients login first
       with the LOGI directive while RFC 1861 permits clients  to
       submit pages anonymously.

       hfaxd  controls client access according to the information
       in the file etc/hosts.hfaxd.  This file defines the set of
       users  and  machines that may receive service and, option-
       ally, defines password challenges to use in authenticating
       clients.	 Clients may be permitted access to services with
       or without a  password  challenge.   Access  may	 also  be
       restricted  based  on  the host machine that a request for
       service	originates  from.   Consult  hosts.hfaxd(5F)  for
       information  on	the format and content of this file.  The
       SITE ADDUSER protocol request is provided for  adding  new
       users to a server (available only to clients with adminis-
       trative privileges).

       Server resources are controlled based on clients'  identi-
       ties.   Jobs  and  documents, both received and submitted,
       are protected by the server.  Typically clients	are  per-
       mitted  access  to  anything  they own or that is publicly
       accessible.  There are also administrative privileges that
       clients	may  acquire and which permit them wide access to
       objects that reside on the server.

       A complete client-server protocol specification	is  still

       hfaxd  operates	with its root directory set to the top of
       the HylaFAX spooling area; /var/spool/fax.  This	 is  done
       so  that clients see a virtual file hierarchy that is com-
       pletely contained within the HylaFAX operating environment
       on  the	server	machine.   Administrators however must be
       aware of this action when specifying files  in  the  hfaxd
       configuration  file:  absolute  pathnames  relative to the
       root of the spooling should be used to specify  filenames.

       The  file  etc/shutdown,	 when  present, specifies when to
       restrict access to a server machine.  When  this	 file  is
       present	and  contains valid information hfaxd will permit
       only users with administrative privileges  to  access  the
       server.	 Any  other  users  that  request service will be
       denied access and negative server responses  will  include
       any shutdown message specified in the shutdown file.  Con-
       sult shutdown(5F) for information on the format	and  con-
       tent of this file.

       The SHUT protocol request can be used to schedule a server

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       shutdown; it is available only to clients with administra-
       tive  privileges.   To  make  a	shutdown server available
       again the shutdown file can be deleted with the DELE  pro-
       tocol  request  (this is to be replaced with an ``unshut''
       protocol request so that implementation	details	 are  not
       part of the protocol).

       hfaxd   reads  configuration  information  from	the  file
       /usr/contrib/lib/hylafax/hfaxd.conf each time a new server
       process	is started (i.e. for each new client).	This file
       uses the same conventions used by other HylaFAX configura-
       tion  files;  as	 described  in config(5F).  The following
       configuration  parameters  are  recognized;  items  marked
       ``(SNPP)'' are used only by the SNPP support.
       Tag			Type	   Default	     Description
       FaxContact		string	   see below	     contact address to show in help text
       FileFmt			string	   see below	     format string for file status results
       IdleTimeout		integer	   900		     client idle timeout in seconds
       JobFmt			string	   see below	     format string for job status results
       KillTimeMap		string	   see below	     mapping from service level to job kill time (SNPP)
       LogFacility		string	   daemon	     syslog facility name for tracing messages
       MaxAdminAttempts		integer	   5		     maximum admin attempts before disconnecting
       MaxConsecutiveBadCmds	integer	   10		     maximum invalid commands before disconnecting
       MaxIdleTimeout		integer	   7200		     maximum client idle timeout permitted
       MaxLoginAttempts		integer	   5		     maximum login attempts before disconnecting
       MaxMsgLength		integer	   128		     maximum pager message length (SNPP)
       ModemFmt			string	   see below	     format string for modem status results
       PagerIDMapFile		string	   /etc/pagermap     name of file for mapping pager IDs (SNPP)
       PriorityMap		string	   see below	     mapping from service level to job priority (SNPP)
       RcvFmt			string	   see below	     format string for received facsimile status results
       RetryTimeMap		string	   see below	     mapping from service level to job retry time (SNPP)
       ServerTracing		integer	   1		     server tracing control vector
       ShutdownFile		string	   /etc/shutdown     name of shutdown control file
       UserAccessFile		string	   /etc/hosts.hfaxd  name of access control file
       XferLogFile		string	   /etc/clientlog    name of file for logging client data transfers

       The configuration parameters are explained below:

		 The e-mail address to display as a point of con-
		 tact in the help text returned to  a  client  in
		 response  to the HELP or SITE HELP commands.  By
		 default this  is  ``FaxMaster@hostname'',  where
		 hostname  is  the  fully  qualified name for the
		 machine where the server is running.

       FileFmt	 The format string to  use  when  returning  file
		 status	 information  with the LIST and STAT com-
		 mands.	 Formats are specified	using  printf(3S)
		 style	conventions  but  using the field identi-
		 fiers listed below.  Each item can include field
		 width, precision, left-justification, 0-filling,
		 etc. just  as	for  printf;  e.g.  %-8p  for  an

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HFAXD(8C)						HFAXD(8C)

		 8-character  wide,  left-justified, blank-padded
		 field containing the file protection flags.

		 Format	   Description
		 a	   Last access time
		 c	   Creation time
		 d	   Device number (octal)
		 f	   Filename
		 g	   Group identifier (decimal)
		 i	   Inode number (decimal)
		 l	   Link count (decimal)
		 m	   Last modification time
		 o	   Owner (based on file GID)
		 p	   Fax-style protection flags (no group bits)
		 q	   UNIX-style protection flags
		 r	   Root device number (octal)
		 s	   File size in bytes (decimal)
		 u	   User identifier (decimal)

		 The default format string is ``%-7p %3l %8o  %8s
		 %-12.12m  %.48f''.   It  is recommended that all
		 items include	a  field  width	 so  that  client
		 applications  that  construct	headers	 from the
		 format string can constrain the width of  column
		 title strings.

		 The initial/default timeout to use in timing out
		 idle clients.	This value  defines  the  maximum
		 amount of time (in seconds) that hfaxd will wait
		 for a command from a client  before  terminating
		 the  connection.  Unprivileged clients may alter
		 the idle timeout up to the value of MaxIdleTime-
		 out;  privileged  clients may set the timeout to
		 any value.

       JobFmt	 The format string to use when returning job sta-
		 tus  information for jobs in the sendq and doneq
		 directories.	Formats	  are	specified   using
		 printf(3S) style conventions but using the field
		 identifiers listed below.  Each item can include
		 field	 width,	  precision,  left-justification,
		 0-filling, etc. just as for  printf;  e.g.  %-3j
		 for  a	 3-character wide, left-justified, blank-
		 padded field containing the job state.

		 Format	   Description
		 A	   Destination SubAddress
		 B	   Destination Password
		 C	   Destination company name
		 D	   Total # dials/maximum # dials
		 E	   Desired signalling rate
		 F	   Client-specific tagline format string
		 G	   Desired min-scanline time

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		 H	   Desired data format
		 I	   Client-specified scheduling priority
		 J	   Client-specified job tag string
		 K	   Desired use of ECM
		 L	   Destination geographic location
		 M	   Notification e-mail address
		 N	   Desired use of private tagline (one-character symbol)
		 O	   Whether to use continuation cover page (one-character symbol)
		 P	   # pages transmitted/total # pages to transmit
		 Q	   Client-specified minimum acceptable signalling rate
		 R	   Destination person (receiver)
		 S	   Sender's identity
		 T	   Total # tries/maximum # tries
		 U	   Page chopping threshold (inches)
		 V	   Job done operation
		 W	   Communication identifier
		 X	   Job type (one-character symbol)
		 a	   Job state (one-character symbol)
		 b	   # consecutive failed tries
		 c	   Client machine name
		 d	   Total # dials
		 e	   Public (external) format of dialstring
		 f	   # consecutive failed dials
		 g	   Group identifier
		 h	   Page chop handling (one-character symbol)
		 i	   Current scheduling priority
		 j	   Job identifier
		 k	   Job kill time
		 l	   Page length in mm
		 m	   Assigned modem
		 n	   E-mail notification handling (one-character symbol)
		 o	   Job owner
		 p	   # pages transmitted
		 q	   Job retry time (MM::SS)
		 r	   Document resolution in lines/inch
		 s	   Job status information from last failure
		 t	   Total # tries attempted
		 u	   Maximum # tries
		 v	   Client-specified dialstring
		 w	   Page width in mm
		 x	   Maximum # dials
		 y	   Total # pages to transmit
		 z	   Time to send job

		 The default format  string  is	 ``%-4j	 %3i  %1a
		 %6.6o %-12.12e %5P %5D %7z %.25s''.  This string
		 constrains each status line to be less	 than  80
		 characters.   It  is  recommended that all items
		 include a field width so  that	 client	 applica-
		 tions, such as faxstat(1) that construct headers
		 from the format string can constrain  the  width
		 of column title strings.

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		 The  mapping  from  SNPP service level (0-11) to
		 job expiration time (kill time).  A  mapping  is
		 specified  as a string of space-separate numbers
		 where each value is the  number  of  minutes  to
		 permit a job to run.  The default mapping is ``5
		 5 5 15 60 240 720 1440	 1440  1440  1440  1440''
		 which	expires	 a  job	 in 5 minutes for service
		 levels 0-2, 15 minutes for level three, 60  min-
		 utes for level four, etc.

		 The  symbolic name for the syslog(3) facility to
		 use when logging  error  messages  and	 informa-
		 tional/debugging  messages requested through the
		 ServerTracing parameter.  The list  of	 facility
		 names	is found in the system include file <sys-
		 log.h>; comparisons are case-insensitive.

		 The maximum number of unsuccessful attempts gain
		 adminstrative	privileges with the ADMIN command
		 that hfaxd will permit a client before terminat-
		 ing  the  connection.	 Note  that  the count of
		 attempts is reset if/when  the	 client	 success-
		 fully gains administrative privileges.

		 The  maximum number of consecutive unrecognized,
		 unimplemented, syntactically incorrect, or  oth-
		 erwise	 unacceptable commands to permit a client
		 before terminating the connection.  This control
		 has  two  purposes: to handle naive or malicious
		 clients from sending long  streams  of	 nonsense
		 commands to a server, and to insure that clients
		 are forcibly terminated when a server is  marked

		 The maximum value that a client may set the idle
		 timeout to.  This value is not enforced  if  the
		 client has administrative privileges.

		 The  maximum  number of unsuccessful attempts to
		 login with the USER and PASS commands that hfaxd
		 will permit a client before terminating the con-

		 The maximum number of characters to accept in	a
		 pager	message	 specified  with the DATA or MESS
		 commands.  Messages longer than this  value  are

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       ModemFmt	 The  format  string  to use when returning modem
		 status information for modems listed in the sta-
		 tus  directory.   Formats  are	 specified  using
		 printf(3S) style conventions but using the field
		 identifiers listed below.  Each item can include
		 field	width,	 precision,   left-justification,
		 0-filling,  etc.  just	 as for printf; e.g. %-8h
		 for an 8-character wide, left-justified,  blank-
		 padded field containing the name of the host the
		 server is running on.

		 Format	   Description
		 h	   Server hostname
		 l	   Local identifier string
		 m	   Canonical modem name
		 n	   FAX phone number
		 r	   Maximum pages that can be received in a single call
		 s	   Status information string
		 t	   Server and session tracing levels (xxxxx:yyyyy)
		 v	   Modem speaker volume as one-character symbol
		 z	   A ``*'' if a faxgetty(8C) process is running; otherwise `` '' (space)

		 The default format string is  ``Modem	%m  (%n):

		 The  absolute pathname of the file that contains
		 directions  for  mapping  pager  identifiers  to
		 IXO/TAP or UCP service providers (and optionally
		 a   pager   identification   number).	  Consult
		 pagermap(5F)  for  information on the format and
		 content of this file.	(Note that absolute path-
		 names	are  relative to the root of the spooling

		 The mapping from SNPP service	level  (0-11)  to
		 job scheduling priority.  A mapping is specified
		 as a string of space-separate numbers where each
		 value	is  the priority to assign to a job.  The
		 default mapping is ``63 127 127 127 127 127  127
		 127  127 127 127 127'' which assigns a high pri-
		 ority to service level zero and normal (default)
		 priority to all other service levels.

       RcvFmt	 The  format  string to use when returning status
		 information for received facsimile in the  recvq
		 directory.	Formats	  are	specified   using
		 printf(3S) style conventions but using the field
		 identifiers listed below.  Each item can include
		 field	width,	 precision,   left-justification,
		 0-filling,  etc.  just	 as for printf; e.g. %-3b
		 for a 3-character wide,  left-justified,  blank-
		 padded field containing the signalling rate.

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HFAXD(8C)						HFAXD(8C)

		 Format	   Description
		 a	   SubAddress received from sender (if any)
		 b	   Signalling rate used during receive
		 d	   Data format used during receive
		 e	   Error description if an error occurred during receive
		 f	   Document filename (relative to the recvq directory)
		 h	   Time spent receiving document (HH:MM:SS)
		 l	   Page length in mm
		 m	   Fax-style protection mode string (``-rwxrwx'')
		 n	   File size (number of bytes)
		 o	   File owner
		 p	   Number of pages in document
		 q	   UNIX-style protection flags
		 r	   Resolution of received data
		 s	   Sender identity (TSI)
		 t	   Compact representation of the time when the receive happened
		 w	   Page width in mm
		 z	   A ``*'' if receive is going on; otherwise `` '' (space)

		 The  default  format  string  is  ``%-7m  %4p%1z
		 %-8.8o %14.14s %7t %f''.  This string constrains
		 each  status line to be less than 80 characters.
		 It is recommended that all items include a field
		 width so that client applications, such as faxs-
		 tat(1) that construct headers	from  the  format
		 string	 can  constrain the width of column title

		 The mapping from SNPP service	level  (0-11)  to
		 job  retry  time.   A	mapping is specified as a
		 string	 of  space-separate  numbers  where  each
		 value	is the number of seconds to delay between
		 delivery  attempts.   A  value	 of  zero  causes
		 retries  to be scheduled using the default algo-
		 rithm used by the HylaFAX  job	 scheduler.   The
		 default  mapping is ``30 60 60 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
		 0'' which retries a level 0 job after a 30  sec-
		 ond  delay,  levels  1	 and  2 after 60 seconds,
		 level 3 after 3  minutes,  and	 other	jobs  are
		 retried  according to the usual scheduling algo-

		 A number that controls the generation of tracing
		 information  by  a server.  areas that are indi-
		 vidually controlled.  To enable tracing of  mul-
		 tiple	areas  of  operation, the flag associated
		 with each area should be bit-or'd  to	form  the

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HFAXD(8C)						HFAXD(8C)

		 value for this tag.
		 Flag		  Description
		 1 (0x00001)	  General server operation
		 2 (0x00002)	  Client-server protocol requests and responses
		 4 (0x00004)	  File transfers from client to server
		 8 (0x00008)	  File transfers from server to client
		 16 (0x00010)	  Client logins
		 32 (0x00020)	  All network connections
		 64 (0x00040)	  FIFO messages to and from faxq(8C)
		 128 (0x00080)	  TIFF Library errors and warnings
		 256 (0x00100)	  Configuration file processing

		 Tracing messages are directed to syslog(3) using
		 the facility specified with the LogFacility con-
		 figuration  parameter.	  Note	that  syslogd(8C)
		 must be  configured  to  capture  facility.info,
		 facility.debug,   facility.warning,  and  facil-
		 ity.err messages.

		 The absolute pathname	of  the	 server	 shutdown
		 file;	see  shutdown(5F)  for information on the
		 format and content of	this  file.   (Note  that
		 absolute  pathnames  are relative to the root of
		 the spooling area).

		 The absolute pathname of the user access control
		 file; see hosts.hfaxd(5F) for information on the
		 format and content of	this  file.   (Note  that
		 absolute  pathnames  are relative to the root of
		 the spooling area).

		 The absolute pathname of the  file  to	 use  for
		 logging   client-server   file	 transfers  (when
		 enabled through  the  ServerTracing  parameter).
		 (Note	that  absolute	pathnames are relative to
		 the root of the spooling area).

       -q dir	 The specified directory is treated as the spool-
		 ing	area.	 The   default	 spooling   area,
		 /var/spool/fax, is defined at the time the soft-
		 ware is built.

       -d	 Stop  hfaxd  from detaching itself from the con-
		 trolling terminal.  This option is normally used
		 only when running hfaxd under a debugger or when
		 hfaxd is started up from the inetd(8C)	 process.

       -i port	 Listen	  on   the  specified  port  for  service
		 requests and  respond	with  the  (new)  client-
		 server	 protocol.   The  port	may  be specified

			  July 12, 1996			       12

HFAXD(8C)						HFAXD(8C)

		 either symbolically, e.g. ``hylafax'' or numeri-
		 cally.	  This	flag  may  be  specified multiple
		 times to request service on  multiple	different

       -o port	 Listen	  on   the  specified  port  for  service
		 requests and respond with the old  client-server
		 protocol.  The port may be specified either sym-
		 bolically, e.g. ``fax''  or  numerically.   This
		 flag  may be specified multiple times to request
		 service on multiple different ports.

       -s port	 Listen	 on  the  specified  port   for	  service
		 requests  and	respond	 with  the Simple Network
		 Paging (SNPP) protocol.  The port may be  speci-
		 fied	either	symbolically,  e.g.  ``snpp''  or
		 numerically.  This flag may be specified  multi-
		 ple times to request service on multiple differ-
		 ent ports.

       -I	 Service the (new) client-server  protocol  using
		 the  standard	input and output.  This option is
		 useful when hfaxd is started up by inetd(8C).

       -O	 Service the old client-server protocol using the
		 standard  input and output.  This option is use-
		 ful when hfaxd is started up by inetd(8C).

       -S	 Service the Simple Network Paging (SNPP)  proto-
		 col  using  the standard input and output.  This
		 option is useful when hfaxd  is  started  up  by

       Diagnostics generated by hfaxd are logged using syslog(3).

       /usr/contrib/lib/hylafax/hfaxd.confserver configuration file
       /var/spool/fax		       spooling area
       /var/spool/fax/FIFO	       for submitting the job
       /var/spool/fax/sendq	       where job description is placed
       /var/spool/fax/sendq/seqf       for assigning job identifiers
       /var/spool/fax/docq/seqf	       for assigning document identifiers
       /var/spool/fax/tmp	       temporary location of job-related files
       /var/spool/fax/docq	       where document files are placed
       /var/spool/fax/recvq	       where received facsimile are found
       /var/spool/fax/archive	       where archived jobs are placed
       /var/spool/fax/log	       for server log files
       /var/spool/fax/client	       for FIFO files used in communicating with faxq
       /var/spool/fax/status	       for server status information
       /var/spool/fax/config.device    for returning server status
       /var/spool/fax/etc/hosts.hfaxd  host access control list
       /var/spool/fax/etc/shutdown     server shutdown control
       /var/spool/fax/etc/pagermap     SNPP pager ID mapping file

			  July 12, 1996			       13

HFAXD(8C)						HFAXD(8C)

       To be filled in.

       sendfax(1),  sendpage(1),  faxalter(1),	faxrm(1),   faxs-
       tat(1),	   faxq(8C),	 syslog(3)    hylafax-server(5F),
       hosts.hfaxd(5F), status(5F), shutdown(5F),

			  July 12, 1996			       14


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