gettystat man page on BSDi

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GETTYSTAT(8)		  BSD System Manager's Manual		  GETTYSTAT(8)

     gettystat - get status from gettyd

     gettystat [-ar] [line ...]

     The gettystat program requests the status of the lines from gettyd and
     displays them on standard output.

     The available options are:

     -a	     If the -a option is given, lines not controlled by gettyd will
	     also be reported.	Normally all lines are reported on, unless
	     line is specified, in which case only the lines listed will be

     -r	     If the -r option is specified, a reset command will be sent to
	     gettyd(8) instead of a status command.  The lines listed will
	     have any current session terminated and a new session restarted.
	     This can be used if the condition script of a line has changed
	     and it is desired to recondition the line.	 (See gettyd(8) for
	     other available reset commands.)  The -a option as no effect when
	     the -r option is also specified.

     ttys.conf(5),  gettyd(8)

				 May 30, 1996				     1

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