getrpcport man page on NetBSD

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GETRPCPORT(3)		 BSD Library Functions Manual		 GETRPCPORT(3)

     getrpcport — get RPC port number

     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)

     getrpcport(char *host, int prognum, int versnum, int proto);

     getrpcport() returns the port number for version versnum of the RPC pro‐
     gram prognum running on host and using protocol proto.  It returns 0 if
     it cannot contact the portmapper, or if prognum is not registered.	 If
     prognum is registered but not with version versnum, it will still return
     a port number (for some version of the program) indicating that the pro‐
     gram is indeed registered.	 The version mismatch will be detected upon
     the first call to the service.

BSD				October 6, 1987				   BSD
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