getmaxx man page on Syllable

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curs_legacy(3X)						       curs_legacy(3X)

       getbegx,	 getbegy, getcurx, getcury, getmaxx, getmaxy, getparx, getpary
       - get curses cursor and window coordinates

       #include <curses.h>

       int getbegx(WINDOW *win);
       int getbegy(WINDOW *win);
       int getcurx(WINDOW *win);
       int getcury(WINDOW *win);
       int getmaxx(WINDOW *win);
       int getmaxy(WINDOW *win);
       int getparx(WINDOW *win);
       int getpary(WINDOW *win);

       The getbegy and getbegx functions return the same data as getbegyx.

       The getcury and getcurx functions return the same data as getyx.

       The getmaxy and getmaxx functions return the same data as getmaxyx.

       The getpary and getparx functions return the same data as getparyx.

       These functions return an integer, or ERR if the	 window	 parameter  is

       All  of	these  interfaces  are	provided as macros and functions.  The
       macros  are  suppressed	(and  only  the	  functions   provided)	  when
       NCURSES_OPAQUE  is  defined.   The standard forms such as getyx must be
       implemented as macros, and (in  this  implementation)  are  defined  in
       terms  of  the  functions described here, to avoid reliance on internal
       details of the WINDOW structure.

       These functions were supported on Version 7, BSD or System V  implemenā€

       curses(3X), curs_getyx(3X), curs_opaque(3X)

                             _         _         _ 
                            | |       | |       | |     
                            | |       | |       | |     
                         __ | | __ __ | | __ __ | | __  
                         \ \| |/ / \ \| |/ / \ \| |/ /  
                          \ \ / /   \ \ / /   \ \ / /   
                           \   /     \   /     \   /    
                            \_/       \_/       \_/ 
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