faxqclean man page on BSDi

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       faxqclean - HylaFAX queue cleaner process

       /usr/contrib/bin/faxqclean [ options ]

       faxqclean  is  a	 program that processes completed HylaFAX
       jobs and expunges unreferenced document files.  This  pro-
       gram  is	 intended  to be invoked by cron(8C) on behalf of
       the super user (i.e. root) one or more times a  day.   For
       example,	 the  following	 crontab entry might be setup for
       root to run faxqclean each hour.
	 0   *	  *    *    *	/usr/contrib/bin/faxqclean

       When faxqclean is run it scans the doneq	 subdirectory  in
       the  HylaFAX  spooling area and process each job according
       to the doneop field specified in the job description file;
       c.f.   sendq(5F).   Jobs	 that  are marked for removal are
       purged and references to documents are removed.	Jobs that
       are  marked  for archival may be archived depending on the
       options supplied on the command line.

       After scanning for completed jobs faxqclean scans the docq
       subdirectory  and  builds  up  a	 table of document files.
       Files that are not referenced by	 any  job  and	that  are
       older than a specified threshold are removed.

       -a	 Enable job archiving support.	NB: v4.0 does not
		 include support for job archiving.

       -j secs	 Set the job age threshold (in seconds) that con-
		 trols	how  long  jobs	 may  reside in the doneq
		 directory before being	 processed.   By  default
		 this  value is 15 minutes (15*60 = 900 seconds).

       -d secs	 Set the document age threshold (in seconds) that
		 controls  how long unreferenced files may reside
		 in the docq directory before being removed.   By
		 default  this value is 1 hour (60*60 = 3600 sec-

       -n	 Do not carry out any work; just show what  would
		 be  done.   This  option is useful together with
		 the -t option for debugging.

       -q dir	 The specified directory is treated as the spool-
		 ing	area.	 The   default	 spooling   area,
		 /var/spool/fax, is defined at the time the soft-
		 ware is built.

       -t	 Trace	in great detail exactly what faxqclean is
		 doing.	  Messages  are	 sent  to  the	 standard

			  March 14, 1996			1



       -v	 Print messages on the standard output about jobs
		 removed or archived  and  about  document  files

       /var/spool/fax/doneq	 directory to scan for completed jobs
       /var/spool/fax/docq	 directory to scan for unreferenced documents
       /var/spool/fax/archive	 directory where archived jobs are placed

       Consult	hylafax-server(5F)  for	 a complete discussion of
       the structure and content of the spooling area.

       faxq(8C),   hylafax-server(5F),	 sendq(5F),    doneq(5F),

			  March 14, 1996			2


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