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DIALER.RULES(5)		    BSD Programmer's Manual	       DIALER.RULES(5)

     dialer.rules - phone number dialing rules


     The /etc/dialer.rules file contains rules for breaking down a phone num-
     ber, classifying the number, and producing a number suitable to be passed
     to a dialing script (see gettyd(8)).

     There are 4 types of entries in /etc/dialer.rules.

     #include <filename>
	     Include the specified filename at the current location in the

	     Indicate the the special sequence is denoted by the character c.
	     Special sequences are are strings like <PAUSE>. The are typically
	     mapped to individual characters to ease the writing of numbers.
	     Since <PAUSE> is typically mapped to , (comma), the following two
	     numbers would be considered the same: 123<PAUSE>456 and 123,456.

	     The standard mappings of special characters are:

		   <DIALTONE>=%	    # Wait for dialtone
		   <FLASH>=!	    # Flash hook
		   <PAUSE>=,	    # Pause (typically for 2 seconds)
		   <PULSE>=^	    # Use pulse dialing
		   <REVERSE>=~	    # Dial an originate only modem
		   <SILENCE>=@	    # Wait for silence
		   <TONE>=:	    # Use touch tone dialing

	     Assign a value to a variable.  If the = is replaced by ?= then
	     the value will only be assigned if the variable does not already
	     have a value.  Standard values used are:

		     The access code for dialing international numbers.	 De-
		     faults to 011, which is direct access code in the United

		     The country code for the local country.  Defaults to 1,
		     which is the country code for the United States.

		     The local city code (or area code).  Defaults to 612,
		     which is the area code for central Minnesota.

		     The access code for dialing national long distance num-
		     bers.  Defaults to 1, which is the direct dial access
		     code in the United States.

		     The ruleset which should be used to classify a phone num-
		     ber.  Defaults to Default-Rules.

     RULESET {


     }	     Defines the specified ruleset.  Note that the placement of the {
	     and } are critical.  The opening { must be on the same line on
	     the ruleset.  The closing } must be on a line by itself.

     Comments are introduced by the ; (semicolon) character.

     As mentioned above, a ruleset has the form of:

	   name {
     Rules are newline delimited and hence must each be on a line of their
     own.  All rules have the form:

	     [label:] pattern actions

     The number being processed is compared against pattern. If the number
     matches pattern then actions are applied.	The portion of the number
     which matched the pattern is stripped.

     Patterns and actions, as well as the original number being processed, are
     subject to variable expansion.  A variable is indicated by enclosing it
     within { }. For instance, the string {LPREFIX} would replaced by the val-
     ue of the LPREFIX variable, if any.

     The normal character used consists of the 10 digits ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
     6, 7, 8, and 9) as well as +, #, and *. As indicated above, variables are
     introduced by {. Variable names, which are case sensitive, are limited to
     the alpha-numeric characters as well as _ and -. When processing a number
     or a pattern, alphabetic characters may be used to represent number, as
     on a phone: A, B, and C map to 2; D, E, and F map to 3; G, H, and I map
     to 4; J, K, and L map to 5; M, N, and O map to 6; P, R, and S map to 7;
     T, U, and V map to 8; and W, X, and Y map to 9.  This allows numbers to
     specified such as: 1-800-GO-TWINS. When processing the number, any other
     character, other than +, <, >, {, }, ?, [, ], and - are expanded, if pos-
     sible, into the special sequence defined for it.  (For instance, , would
     expand to <PAUSE>). When processing a pattern there are several wild
     cards available:

     [abc]   Matches any character contained within the set abc.

     [a-c]   Matches any character between a and c inclusive.  The string
	     [#-9] will match any character.

     ?	     Matches any digit.	 Same as [0-9].

     $	     Matches the end of the number, or <EXT>.

     -	     Matches the null string.  This pattern always matches and does
	     not cause any characters to be stripped from the number.

     When a special sequence is encountered, it is passed through with the
     preceeding normal character (or the following normal character if the
     special sequence comes before any normal character).  The only exception
     to this rule is that <EXT> terminates a phone number.  All following
     characters are assumed to be part of an extension to be dialed.  For ex-
     ample, the pattern "123" matches all of:

     but does not match:


     Actions normally consist of variable assignment: VARIABLE=name. Typically
     a ruleset will start by reseting internal variables used by the ruleset.
     For example:


     The NUMBER variable is always undefined when a ruleset starts.  When the
     ruleset is finished, NUMBER must contain the number to dial, including
     <EXT> and anything following it.

     When the action field is parsed, the following symbols have special mean-

     &	     Replaced by the characters which matched the pattern

     $	     Replaced by all characters following the characters which matched
	     the pattern, including <EXT> and the characters following it.

     Besides variable assignment, an action may also be one of the following

     goto label	       Continue processing from label.

     prepend value     Prepend value to the remaining number.  This has the
		       effect of mapping the matched pattern to value. For in-

			     +	     prepend 011
		       has the effect of replacing a leading + with 011.

     reject	       Reject this number.

     resolved type     The number has been resolved.  NUMBER contains the num-
		       ber to dial, which is of type. By convention, the fol-
		       lowing types are used:

		       DIRECT		    Everything was after <EXT>

		       LOCAL		    A local call

		       NATIONAL		    A national long distance call

		       INTL		    An international long distance

		       ASSISTED-NATIONAL    A national operator assisted call

		       ASSISTED-INTL	    An international operator assisted

     While it is not proper to fall out the bottom of a ruleset, if the final
     rule processed is not a resolved or reject directive then the number is
     assumed to be rejected.

     The default distributed ruleset is simply:

	   ; Default Rules
	   ; Very permissive (everything is a local call except for direct calls)
	   default-Rules {
		   ; If there is no number then this is a DIRECT call
		   $		   NUMBER=$ resolved DIRECT
		   -		   NUMBER=$ resolved LOCAL


BSDI BSD/OS			 June 11, 1996				     4

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