console man page on BSDi

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CONS(4)		 BSD Programmer's Manual (SPARC Architecture)	       CONS(4)

     cons - virtual console interface

     The system supports a ``virtual'' console device used for kernel and sys-
     tem error messages which is accessed in user mode via /dev/console. It is
     virtual in the sense that it is attached to a specific hardware interface
     at boot time.  It then becomes an alternate access path to the selected
     device.  Thus, the virtual console device /dev/console should be used for
     logins, etc., only when the specific device file is not also in use.

     The currently supported console devices are the Sun keyboard and display,
     and the ttya and ttyb standard serial ports (see zs(4)).

     The console device is determined by the boot PROM, depending on its
     input-device and output-device PROM variables.  These are usually:
     to use the Sun keyboard and display as the console.  If no Sun keyboard
     is connected, the PROM automatically switches to ttya; alternatively, the
     will force the PROM (and hence the system) to use ttya as the console.

     The console user can force a system halt, via the Stop-A (or L1-A) key on
     a Sun keyboard, or the BREAK signal when using a serial console.

     When using the eeprom(8) command to set the console device, the change
     does not take effect until the next reboot.


     tty(4),  zs(4),  boot(8),	eeprom(8) syslog(8)

BSDI BSD/OS			January 6, 1998				     1

List of man pages available for BSDi

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