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ARCHIVE(8)					       ARCHIVE(8)

       archive - Usenet article archiver

       archive [ -a archive ] [ -f ] [ -i index ] [ -m ] [ -r ] [
       input ]

       Archive makes copies of files specified	on  its	 standard
       input.	It is normally run either as a channel feed under
       innd(8), or by a script before expire(8) is run.

       Archive reads the named input file, or standard	input  if
       no  file	 is given.  The input is taken as a set of lines.
       Blank lines and lines starting with a number sign  (``#'')
       are ignored.  All other lines should specify the name of a
       file to archive.	 If a filename is not an  absolute  path-
       name,	 it	is    taken    to    be	   relative    to
       <patharticles in inn.conf>.

       Files are copied to a directory within the archive  direc-
       tory, <patharchive in inn.conf>.

       The default is to create a hierarchy that mimics the input
       files; intermediate directories will be created as needed.
       For  example, the input file comp/sources/unix/2211 (arti-
       cle 2211	 in  the  newsgroup  comp.sources.unix)	 will  be
       copied						       to
       <patharchive in inn.conf>/comp/sources/unix/2211.)

       -a archive
	      If the ``-a'' flag is used then its argument speci-
	      fies  the	 directory  to	archive in instead of the

       -f     If the ``-f'' flag  is  used,  then  all	directory
	      names  will be flattened out, replacing the slashes
	      with periods.  In this  case,  the  file	would  be
	      copied					       to
	      <patharchive in inn.conf>/comp.sources.unix/2211.)
	      -i  If  the  ``-i'' flag is used, then archive will
	      append one line to the  specified	 index	file  for
	      each  article  that it copies.  This line will con-
	      tain the destination name and  the  Message-ID  and
	      Subject headers.

       -m     Files are copied by making a link.  If that fails a
	      new file is created.   If	 <$ac_cv_func_symlink  in
	      config.cache>  is	 ``yes'',  and the ``-m'' flag is
	      used, then the file will be copied to the	 destina-
	      tion,  and  the  input file will be replaced with a
	      symbolic	link  pointing	to  the	 new  file.    If


ARCHIVE(8)					       ARCHIVE(8)

	      <$ac_cv_func_symlink  in	config.cache>  is ``no'',
	      The ``-m'' flag is ignored.

       -r     By default, archive  sets	 its  standard	error  to
	      <pathlog in inn.conf>/errlog.    To  suppress  this
	      redirection, use the ``-r'' flag.

       If the input is exhausted, archive will exit with  a  zero
       status.	If an I/O error occures, it will try to spool its
       input, copying it to a file.  If there was no input  file-
       name,  the  standard input will be copied to <pathoutgoing
       in inn.conf>/archive and the program  will  exit.   If  an
       input filename was given, a temporary file named input.bch
       (if input is an absolute	 pathname)  or	<pathoutgoing  in
       inn.conf>/input.bch (if the filename does not begin with a
       slash) is created.  Once the input is copied, archive will
       try  to	rename	this temporary file to be the name of the
       input file, and then exit.

       A typical newsfeeds(5) entry to archive most source  news-
       groups is as follows:

		   :<PREFIX specified with --prefix at configure>/archive -f -i \
		       <patharchive in inn.conf>/INDEX

       Written	by  Rich  $alz <> for InterNet-
       News.  This is revision, dated 1999/06/12.

       inn.conf(5), newsfeeds(5).



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