amreport man page on BSDi

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AMREPORT(1)					      AMREPORT(1)

       amreport	 -  generate a formatted output of statistics for
       an amdump run

       amreport config [ -l log file ] [ -f output file	 ]  [  -p
       postscript file ]

       Amreport generates a summary report of an amanda(8) backup
       run.  If no configuration name is  specified,  amanda.conf
       is  read	 from  the  current  directory, and log files are
       rotated, i.e., after the report is generated, the log file
       log  will be renamed to where date is the
       current date in the form YYYYMMDD and version is the  next
       higher  version	of  the	 logfile with the same date stamp
       starting with 0.

       See the amanda(8) man page for more details about  Amanda.

       config Name of the configuration to process.

       -l log file
	      Name  of	the  log  file	to  parse to generate the
	      report. If a log file is	not  specified,	 then  it
	      defaults to the file:


	      logdir is the log directory defined in amanda.conf.

       -f output file
	      Normally, amreport sends the report via  e-mail  to
	      the mailto user as defined in the amanda.conf file.
	      If output file is specified, then the report is put
	      in output file.

       -p postscript file
	      Send  the	 postscript output to the file postscript
	      file instead of to the lpr(1) command. This  option
	      has  an  effect  only if the lbl-templ directive is
	      specified in amanda.conf. See LABEL PRINTING below.


       Amanda  has  the	 ability to print postscript labels which
       describe the contents of the tape being written	to.   The
       labels  are  designed  to  be folded and inserted into the
       tape case along with the tape or hole punched and put in a
       3-ring  binder. Various label templates have been provided
       which format data in ways that are  ideal  for  each  tape


AMREPORT(1)					      AMREPORT(1)

       size.  The  information	provided varies slightly from one
       label template to the next, due to size	constraints.  The
       labels contain one line for each host/file-system pair and
       can also contain the file number on the tape, the level of
       the  dump,  the	original size of the dump and the size of
       the (possibly compressed) file written to the  tape.   The
       ability	to  print  these labels is achieved by adding the
       lbl-templ field to the tapetype definition in amanda.conf.
       If  you	don't  add this line to your tapetype definition,
       then amreport will not print a tape label.

       You can also specify an alternate "printer" definition  to
       print  the label to other than the system default printer.

       Labels Provided

       The authors have provided label templates for the  follow-
       ing  tape  types.   These  are  pretty generic labels, and
       should be easy to customize for other tape  types.  Others
       are encouraged to do so.

		     * exabyte 8mm tapes
		     * dat 4mm tapes
		     * DLT tapes
		     * 8.5x11 3-ring binder

       The  8.5x11 3-ring binder type is the most generic. It can
       be used to make a hardcopy log of the tapes which  can  be
       kept in a 3-ring binder.

       amanda(8), amflush(8)

       The  function of rotating logs probably should not be part
       of amreport since they are 2 different funtions and really
       have nothing to do with each other.



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