add_wch man page on Solaris

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add_wch(3XCURSES)	X/Open Curses Library Functions	     add_wch(3XCURSES)

       add_wch,	 mvadd_wch,  mvwadd_wch,  wadd_wch  -  add a complex character
       (with   rendition) to a window

       cc [ flag... ] file... -I /usr/xpg4/include -L /usr/xpg4/lib \
       -R /usr/xpg4/lib -lcurses [ library... ]

       c89 [ flag... ] file... -lcurses [ library ... ]

       #include <curses.h>

       int add_wch(const cchar_t *wch);

       int wadd_wch(WINDOW *win, const cchar_t *wch);

       int mvadd_wch(int y, int x, const cchar_t *wch);

       int mvwadd_wch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const cchar_t *wch);

       The add_wch() function writes a complex character to the stdscr	window
       at the current cursor position.	The mvadd_wch() and mvwadd_wch() func‐
       tions write the character  to the position indicated by the x  (column)
       and  y  (row) parameters. The mvadd_wch() function writes the character
       to the stdscr window, while mvwadd_wch() writes the  character  to  the
       window  specified   by  win.   The  wadd_wch() function is identical to
       add_wch(), but writes the  character to the window  specified  by  win.
       These functions advance the cursor after writing the character.

       If  wch is a spacing complex character, X/Open Curses replaces any pre‐
       vious  character at the specified location with	wch  (and  its	rendi‐
       tion).  If  wch	is a non-spacing complex character, X/Open Curses pre‐
       serves all existing characters at the specified location and  adds  the
       non-spacing   characters	 of  wch  to the spacing complex character. It
       ignores the  rendition associated with wch.

       Characters that do not fit on the end of the current line  are  wrapped
       to  the	beginning of the next line unless the current line is the last
       line of the window and scrolling is disabled. In that situation, X/Open
       Curses discards characters which extend beyond the end  of the line.

       When  wch  is  a	 backspace,  carriage  return, newline, or tab, X/Open
       Curses  moves  the   cursor   appropriately   as	  described   in   the
       curses(3XCURSES)	 man page.  Each tab character moves the cursor to the
       next tab stop. By default, tab stops occur every	 eight	columns.  When
       wch  is	a  control  character other than a backspace, carriage return,
       newline, or tab, it is written using ^x notation, where x is  a	print‐
       able  character.	 When  X/Open  Curses writes wch to the last character
       position on a line, it automatically generates a newline. When  wch  is
       written to the last character position of a scrolling region and scrol‐
       lok() is enabled, X/Open Curses scrolls the  scrolling  region  up  one
       line (see clearok(3XCURSES)).

       wch	Is  the	 character/attribute pair (rendition) to be written to
		the window.

       win	Is a pointer to the window in which the	 character  is	to  be

       y	Is  the	 y (row) coordinate of the character's position in the

       x	Is the x (column) coordinate of the  character's  position  in
		the window.

       On success, these functions return OK. Otherwise, they return ERR.


       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       │      ATTRIBUTE TYPE	     │	    ATTRIBUTE VALUE	   │
       │Interface Stability	     │Standard			   │
       │MT-Level		     │Unsafe			   │

       attr_off(3XCURSES),    bkgrndset(3XCURSES),   curses(3XCURSES),	 doup‐
       date(3XCURSES),		in_wch(3XCURSES),	    ins_wch(3XCURSES),
       libcurses(3XCURSES),	nl(3XCURSES),	  printw(3XCURSES),	scrol‐
       lok(3XCURSES),	scrl(3XCURSES),	  setscrreg(3XCURSES),	  terminfo(4),
       attributes(5), standards(5)

SunOS 5.10			  5 Jun 2002		     add_wch(3XCURSES)

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