accept man page on Syllable

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accept(8)			  Apple Inc.			     accept(8)

       accept/reject - accept/reject jobs sent to a destination

       accept [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -h hostname[:port] ] destination(s)
       reject [ -E ] [ -U username ] [ -h hostname[:port] ] [ -r reason ] des‐

       accept instructs the printing system to accept print jobs to the speci‐
       fied destinations.

       reject instructs the printing system to reject print jobs to the speci‐
       fied destinations. The -r option sets the reason	 for  rejecting	 print
       jobs. If not specified the reason defaults to "Reason Unknown".

       The following options are supported by both accept and reject:

	    Forces encryption when connecting to the server.

       -U username
	    Sets the username that is sent when connecting to the server.

       -h hostname[:port]
	    Chooses an alternate server.

       -r "reason"
	    Sets the reason string that is shown for a printer that is reject‐
	    ing jobs.

       Unlike the System V printing system, CUPS allows printer names to  con‐
       tain  any  printable  character	except SPACE, TAB, "/", or "#".	 Also,
       printer and class names are not case-sensitive.

       The CUPS versions of accept and reject may ask the user for  an	access
       password	 depending  on the printing system configuration. This differs
       from the System V versions which require the root user to execute these

       cancel(1), cupsenable(8), lp(1), lpadmin(8), lpstat(1),

       Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.

12 February 2006	  Common UNIX Printing System		     accept(8)
                             _         _         _ 
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                         \ \| |/ / \ \| |/ / \ \| |/ /  
                          \ \ / /   \ \ / /   \ \ / /   
                           \   /     \   /     \   /    
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