XwcTextPropertyToTextList man page on BSDi

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       XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty,
       Xutf8TextListToTextProperty, XmbTextPropertyToTextList,
       XwcTextPropertyToTextList, Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList,
       XwcFreeStringList, XDefaultString - convert text lists and
       text property structures

       int XmbTextListToTextProperty(display, list, count, style,
	     Display *display;
	     char **list;
	     int count;
	     XICCEncodingStyle style;
	     XTextProperty *text_prop_return;

       int XwcTextListToTextProperty(display, list, count, style,
	     Display *display;
	     wchar_t **list;
	     int count;
	     XICCEncodingStyle style;
	     XTextProperty *text_prop_return;

       int Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(display, list, count,
       style, text_prop_return)
	     Display *display;
	     char **list;
	     int count;
	     XICCEncodingStyle style;
	     XTextProperty *text_prop_return;

       int XmbTextPropertyToTextList(display, text_prop,
       list_return, count_return)
	     Display *display;
	     XTextProperty *text_prop;
	     char ***list_return;
	     int *count_return;

       int XwcTextPropertyToTextList(display, text_prop,
       list_return, count_return)
	     Display *display;
	     XTextProperty *text_prop;
	     wchar_t ***list_return;
	     int *count_return;

       int Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(display, text_prop,
       list_return, count_return)
	     Display *display;
	     XTextProperty *text_prop;
	     char ***list_return;
	     int *count_return;

       void XwcFreeStringList(list)

X Version 11		Release 6.4				1


	     wchar_t **list;

       char *XDefaultString()

       display	Specifies the connection to the X server.

       list	Specifies a list of null-terminated character

       count	Specifies the number of strings specified.

       style	Specifies the manner in which the property is

		 Returns the XTextProperty structure.

       text_prop Specifies the XTextProperty structure to be

		 Returns a list of null-terminated character

		 Returns the number of strings.

       list	Specifies the list of strings to be freed.

       The XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty
       and Xutf8TextListToTextProperty functions set the speci-
       fied XTextProperty value to a set of null-separated ele-
       ments representing the concatenation of the specified list
       of null-terminated text strings. The input text strings
       must be given in the current locale encoding (for Xmb-
       TextListToTextProperty and XwcTextListToTextProperty), or
       in UTF-8 encoding (for Xutf8TextListToTextProperty).

       The functions set the encoding field of text_prop_return
       to an Atom for the specified display naming the encoding
       determined by the specified style and convert the speci-
       fied text list to this encoding for storage in the
       text_prop_return value field.  If the style XStringStyle
       or XCompoundTextStyle is specified, this encoding is
       ``STRING'' or ``COMPOUND_TEXT'', respectively.  If the
       style XUTF8StringStyle is specified, this encoding is
       ``UTF8_STRING''. (This is an XFree86 extension introduced
       in XFree86 4.0.2. Its presence is indicated by the macro
       X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING.)  If the style XTextStyle is speci-
       fied, this encoding is the encoding of the current locale.
       If the style XStdICCTextStyle is specified, this encoding
       is ``STRING'' if the text is fully convertible to STRING,

X Version 11		Release 6.4				2


       else ``COMPOUND_TEXT''.	A final terminating null byte is
       stored at the end of the value field of text_prop_return
       but is not included in the nitems member.

       If insufficient memory is available for the new value
       string, the functions return XNoMemory.	If the current
       locale is not supported, the functions return
       XLocaleNotSupported.  In both of these error cases, the
       functions do not set text_prop_return.

       To determine if the functions are guaranteed not to return
       XLocaleNotSupported, use XSupportsLocale.

       If the supplied text is not fully convertible to the spec-
       ified encoding, the functions return the number of uncon-
       vertible characters.  Each unconvertible character is con-
       verted to an implementation-defined and encoding-specific
       default string.	Otherwise, the functions return Success.
       Note that full convertibility to all styles except
       XStringStyle is guaranteed.

       To free the storage for the value field, use XFree.

       The XmbTextPropertyToTextList, XwcTextPropertyToTextList
       and Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList functions return a list of
       text strings representing the null-separated elements of
       the specified XTextProperty structure. The returned
       strings are encoded using the current locale encoding (for
       XmbTextPropertyToTextList and XwcTextPropertyToTextList)
       or in UTF-8 (for Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList).  The data
       in text_prop must be format 8.

       Multiple elements of the property (for example, the
       strings in a disjoint text selection) are separated by a
       null byte.  The contents of the property are not required
       to be null-terminated; any terminating null should not be
       included in text_prop.nitems.

       If insufficient memory is available for the list and its
       elements, XmbTextPropertyToTextList, XwcTextPropertyTo-
       TextList and Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList return XNoMemory.
       If the current locale is not supported, the functions
       return XLocaleNotSupported.  Otherwise, if the encoding
       field of text_prop is not convertible to the encoding of
       the current locale, the functions return
       XConverterNotFound.  For supported locales, existence of a
       converter from COMPOUND_TEXT, STRING, UTF8_STRING or the
       encoding of the current locale is guaranteed if XSupport-
       sLocale returns True for the current locale (but the
       actual text may contain unconvertible characters).  Con-
       version of other encodings is implementation-dependent.
       In all of these error cases, the functions do not set any
       return values.

X Version 11		Release 6.4				3


       Otherwise, XmbTextPropertyToTextList, XwcTextPropertyTo-
       TextList and Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList return the list
       of null-terminated text strings to list_return and the
       number of text strings to count_return.

       If the value field of text_prop is not fully convertible
       to the encoding of the current locale, the functions
       return the number of unconvertible characters.  Each
       unconvertible character is converted to a string in the
       current locale that is specific to the current locale.  To
       obtain the value of this string, use XDefaultString.  Oth-
       erwise, XmbTextPropertyToTextList, XwcTextPropertyTo-
       TextList and Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList return Success.

       To free the storage for the list and its contents returned
       by XmbTextPropertyToTextList or
       Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList, use XFreeStringList.  To free
       the storage for the list and its contents returned by
       XwcTextPropertyToTextList, use XwcFreeStringList.

       The XwcFreeStringList function frees memory allocated by

       The XDefaultString function returns the default string
       used by Xlib for text conversion (for example, in
       XmbTextPropertyToTextList).  The default string is the
       string in the current locale that is output when an uncon-
       vertible character is found during text conversion.  If
       the string returned by XDefaultString is the empty string
       (""), no character is output in the converted text.  XDe-
       faultString does not return NULL.

       The string returned by XDefaultString is independent of
       the default string for text drawing; see XCreateFontSet to
       obtain the default string for an XFontSet.

       The behavior when an invalid codepoint is supplied to any
       Xlib function is undefined.

       The returned string is null-terminated.	It is owned by
       Xlib and should not be modified or freed by the client.
       It may be freed after the current locale is changed.
       Until freed, it will not be modified by Xlib.

       The functions Xutf8TextListToTextProperty and
       Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList are an XFree86 extension
       introduced in XFree86 4.0.2. Their presence is indicated
       by the macro X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING.

       The XTextProperty structure contains:

       typedef struct {
	    unsigned char *value;/* property data */

X Version 11		Release 6.4				4


	    Atom encoding;	/* type of property */
	    int format;		/* 8, 16, or 32 */
	    unsigned long nitems;/* number of items in value */
       } XTextProperty;

       The XICCEncodingStyle structure contains:

       #define	XNoMemory		-1
       #define	XLocaleNotSupported	-2
       #define	XConverterNotFound	-3
       typedef enum {
	    XStringStyle,	/* STRING */
	    XCompoundTextStyle, /* COMPOUND_TEXT */
	    XTextStyle,		/* text in owner's encoding (current locale) */
	    XStdICCTextStyle,	/* STRING, else COMPOUND_TEXT */
	    XUTF8StringStyle	/* UTF8_STRING */
       } XICCEncodingStyle;

       XSetTextProperty(3X11), XStringListToTextProperty(3X11)
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11		Release 6.4				5


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