XvGetPortAttribute man page on BSDi

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XvGetPortAttribute(3X)			XvGetPortAttribute(3X)

       XvGetPortAttribute - return current port attribute value

       #include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h>

       XvGetPortAttribute(dpy, port, attribute, p_value)

       Display *dpy;
       XvPortID port;
       Atom attribute;
       int *p_vlaue;

       dpy     Specifies the display screen on which the X Server
	       is to accept requests from X clients.  If the dis-
	       play  option  is not specified, X uses the display
	       screen specified by your DISPLAY environment vari-
	       able.   The  display  option  has the format host-
	       name:number.  Using two colons (::) instead of one
	       (:) indicates that DECnet is to be used for trans-

       port    Specifies the port, associated with the given dis-
	       play,  for  which  the  attribute values are to be

	       An  atom that  identifies  the	attribute  to  be
	       queried	by  this  request.   Control  atoms  are
	       obtained using  the  XInternAtom request	 with	a
	       string from the following table.

       p_value Pointer	to the location where the attribute value
	       is written on return.

       XvGetPortAttribute(3X) returns the current  value  of  the
       requested  port	attribute  in  the  integer pointed to by
       p_value. The attribute is identified using an  Atom  that
       equates	to  the attribute name.	 The XInternAtom request
       can be used with one of the  strings  below  to	return	a
       matching Atom.


XvGetPortAttribute(3X)			XvGetPortAttribute(3X)

       Attribute String Type		Default

       "XV_ENCODING"	   XvEncodingID Server dependent
       "XV_HUE"		[-1000...1000]	0
       "XV_SATURATION"	 [-1000...1000] 0
       "XV_BRIGHTNESS"	 [-1000...1000] 0
       "XV_CONTRAST"	   [-1000...1000]	0

Returned Values
	       Returned if XvGetPortAttribute(3X) completed suc-

	       Returned if the Xv extension is unavailable.

	       Returned if XvGetPortAttribute(3X) failed to allo-
	       cate memory to process the request.

	       Generated if the requested port does not exist.

	       Generated if the requested attribute atom does not
	       specify an attribute supported by the adaptor.

See Also
       XvSetPortAttribute(3X), XvPortNotify(3X)



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