XtMalloc(3Xt) XT FUNCTIONS XtMalloc(3Xt)NAME
XtMalloc, XtCalloc, XtRealloc, XtFree, XtNew, XtNewString
- memory management functions
char *XtMalloc(size);
Cardinal size;
char *XtCalloc(num, size);
Cardinal num;
Cardinal size;
char *XtRealloc(ptr, num);
char *ptr;
Cardinal num;
void XtFree(ptr);
char *ptr;
type *XtNew(type);
String XtNewString(string);
String string;
num Specifies the number of bytes or array elements.
ptr Specifies a pointer to the old storage or to the
block of storage that is to be freed.
size Specifies the size of an array element (in
bytes) or the number of bytes desired.
string Specifies a previously declared string.
type Specifies a previously declared data type.
The XtMalloc functions returns a pointer to a block of
storage of at least the specified size bytes. If there is
insufficient memory to allocate the new block, XtMalloc
calls XtErrorMsg.
The XtCalloc function allocates space for the specified
number of array elements of the specified size and ini-
tializes the space to zero. If there is insufficient mem-
ory to allocate the new block, XtCalloc calls XtErrorMsg.
The XtRealloc function changes the size of a block of
storage (possibly moving it). Then, it copies the old
contents (or as much as will fit) into the new block and
frees the old block. If there is insufficient memory to
allocate the new block, XtRealloc calls XtErrorMsg. If
X Version 11 Release 6.4 1
XtMalloc(3Xt) XT FUNCTIONS XtMalloc(3Xt)
ptr is NULL, XtRealloc allocates the new storage without
copying the old contents; that is, it simply calls
The XtFree function returns storage and allows it to be
reused. If ptr is NULL, XtFree returns immediately.
XtNew returns a pointer to the allocated storage. If
there is insufficient memory to allocate the new block,
XtNew calls XtErrorMsg. XtNew is a convenience macro that
calls XtMalloc with the following arguments specified:
((type *) XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(type))
XtNewString returns a pointer to the allocated storage.
If there is insufficient memory to allocate the new block,
XtNewString calls XtErrorMsg. XtNewString is a conve-
nience macro that calls XtMalloc with the following argu-
ments specified:
(strcpy(XtMalloc((unsigned) strlen(str) + 1), str))
X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
Xlib - C Language X Interface
X Version 11 Release 6.4 2