XtAddCallbacks man page on BSDi

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XtAddCallback(3Xt)	 XT FUNCTIONS	XtAddCallback(3Xt)

       XtAddCallback, XtAddCallbacks, XtRemoveCallback, XtRemove-
       Callbacks, XtRemoveAllCallbacks - add and remove callback

       void XtAddCallback(w, callback_name, callback,
	     Widget w;
	     String callback_name;
	     XtCallbackProc callback;
	     XtPointer client_data;

       void XtAddCallbacks(w, callback_name, callbacks)
	     Widget w;
	     String callback_name;
	     XtCallbackList callbacks;

       void XtRemoveCallback(w, callback_name, callback,
	     Widget w;
	     String callback_name;
	     XtCallbackProc callback;
	     XtPointer client_data;

       void XtRemoveCallbacks(w, callback_name, callbacks)
	     Widget w;
	     String callback_name;
	     XtCallbackList callbacks;

       void XtRemoveAllCallbacks(w, callback_name)
	     Widget w;
	     String callback_name;

       callback Specifies the callback procedure.

       callbacks Specifies the null-terminated list of callback
		 procedures and corresponding client data.

		 Specifies the callback list to which the proce-
		 dure is to be appended or deleted.

		 Specifies the argument that is to be passed to
		 the specified procedure when it is invoked by
		 XtCallbacks or NULL, or the client data to match
		 on the registered callback procedures.

       w	 Specifies the widget.

       The XtAddCallback function adds the specified callback

X Version 11		Release 6.4				1

XtAddCallback(3Xt)	 XT FUNCTIONS	XtAddCallback(3Xt)

       procedure to the specified widget's callback list.

       The XtAddCallbacks add the specified list of callbacks to
       the specified widget's callback list.

       The XtRemoveCallback function removes a callback only if
       both the procedure and the client data match.

       The XtRemoveCallbacks function removes the specified call-
       back procedures from the specified widget's callback list.

       The XtRemoveAllCallbacks function removes all the callback
       procedures from the specified widget's callback list.

       X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11		Release 6.4				2


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